火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Mars Image 2006/01/22(UT)

Damian Peach,Donald C Parker

 Damian Peachの画像には永久北極冠らしい物がかすかに写っている。ニロ
る。(reported by 2 observers)

The appearance that seems to be a permanent Arctic Cap is faintly
reflected in the image of Damian Peach. It is interesting to see bright
spot in the next of the north of Nilokeras (50W,+30) a little. In the
image picture of D.C.Parker, the band of the cloud is to bout 45°
 south and conspicuous. (reported by 2 observers)
FROM Makoto Adachi

Damian Peach (350mm Celestron SCT:Lumenera LU075)
Here are some images from yesterday. Good seeing. Ascraeus Mons is prominent toward the terminator as a small dark spot. Not as much cloud acivity as the 21st. Argyre is rather less misty than the day before. Also the SPH is much weaker.

[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]
Donald C Parker(16-in (41cm) Newtonian)(250mm Dall-Kirkham)
Northern vernal equinox. NPH dissipating.
[ Donald C Parker Coral Gables,Florida U.S.A]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section