火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部
Mars Image 2006/02/01(UT)
Ralf Vandebergh
南極よりも淡い。(reported by 3 observers)
In the image of Einaga, the vicinity of the South Pole is widely
covered with white clouds. It is not seen today though the morning
mist of the southern hemisphere was remarkable up to now. It is lighter
than the South Pole though the vicinity of the North Pole looks white
a little. (reported by 3 observers)
FROM Makoto Adachi
Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton,Toucam Pro Webcam)
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫
Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton:ATK-1HS)
This a set of images obtained on Febr 01 from 18:57-19:01 UTC
seeing: unsteady/trembling but sharp edges most of time)
-the Hydaspes canal between Niliacus Lacus and Oxia Palus
is still recognizable.
10 inch Newtonian & ATK-1HS @ f/40--IR670-1000nm/blue)
[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]
Ikuo Takimoto (310mm Newtonian :ToUcam Pro )
[Ayauta-gun Kagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪香川県 綾歌郡 瀧本郁夫≫