火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Mars Image 2006/03/27(UT)

 アキダリウム(Mare Acidarium;30W+50)付近は、広く白雲に覆われ
がかろうじて明るく記録されている。Carlos HernandezはNPCを鮮明に
されているが、白雲が出ている可能性がある。(reported by 2 observers)

The vicinity of Mare Acidarium (30w+50) seems to be covered with
white clouds widely,is low contrast,and reflected. Argyre (30W,
-50) is recorded barely brightly. Carlos Hernandez clearly records
NPC. A bright part is recorded on the east side a little,and it
is here about Hellas (290W,-50) the possibility that white clouds
have been generated.
(reported by 2 observers)
FROM Makoto Adachi

Akitoshi Hatanaka (400mm Cassegrain,Lu075C)
seeing  は、良かったのっだが、薄雲があり透明度が悪く

北極付近  アキダリウムの西半分が白くなっている。

≪三重県熊野市  畑中明利≫

Carlos E. Hernandez (Drawing:9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov- Cassegrain)
I made an observation of Mars on March 27,2006 (00:40 and 01:00 U.T.) under good seeing (6-7/10) seeing conditions. Although subtending an apparent diameter of only 5.9 arc-seconds I was able to make some detail over the Martian surface and atmosphere. I welcome any comments that you may have on my observation.
Date (U.T.): March 27,2006
Time (U.T.): 00:40 (left image) and 01:00 (right image)
CM: 290.2 (left image) and 295.1 (right image)
Ls: 30.7 (Mid-Northern Spring/Southern Autumn)
De: -2.9,Ds: 12.4,p: 0.90,Dia: 5.9"
Instrument: 9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov-Cassegrain
Magnification: 271x
Filter: Klee OPS Barlow
Seeing (1-10): 6-7,Antoniadi (I-V) II
Transparency (1-6): 5
00:40 U.T. (Left image,CM 290.2,Klee OPS Barlow): Syrtis Major (3-4/10) and Iapygia Viridis (4/10) were visible on the CM. Mare Tyrrhenum (3-4/10) and Syrtis Minor (4/10) were noted towards the preceding limb. Hellas appeared as a shaded to bright (6-7/10),oval feature preceding the CM towards the south-preceding limb. Hellespontus (3-4/10) and Pandorae Fretum (4/10) were visible towards the south-following limb. Sabaeus Sinus (3-4/10) was visible towards the following limb. The North Polar Cap (NPC) was brilliant (10/10) and visible over the northern limb.
01:00 U.T. (Right image,CM 295.1,W38A): Bright to extremely bright (7-8/10) aerosols (clouds?) were visible over Hellas and the preceding limb. The northern,morning (following),southern,and evening (preceding) limbs appeared extremely bright (9/10). The NPC was brilliant (10/10) over the northern limb.

[[Carlos.E. Hernandez South Florida U.S.A ]]
Ichirou Tasaka(730mm Cassegrain(530mm))

≪和歌山県新宮市 田阪一郎≫
ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section