木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Jupiter Image 2007/02/25(UT)

Christopher Go,John Kazanas
Christopher Go,J.Kazanas

Christopher Go (Celestron C11)
Here's another image of the Oval BA and STrD-1. Both features are getting very close now. Note that their outer edges seem to be interacting. The small red oval following the STrD-1 looks very deep red now!
Note the white spot and rift forming on the NEBs. This seem to be associated with the dark EB feeston which seems to be embedded on the NEBs. If you compare this image from the one I took on the 20th there is a big difference in the features in the NEB. The white spot on the NNTB is still very prominent.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
John Kazanas (317mm Newton)
2007/02/25 17:50 UTC
12.5" F/5 Newtonian
CM I: 288.2 CM II: 140.5 CM III: 356.7  
[John Kazanas,Melbourne Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section