Blue material in GRS by John H.Rogers
Hi all,
Zac Pujic points out some material in the GRS which will be an interesting
target for hi-res imagers over the next few days. (See his image of April
18, last in the attached set "SED passing GRS".) As he says, it may enable
us to confirm the GRS rotation period. Last year we measured it as 4.5 days
(+/- 0.1 days), and this is in press in JBAA ? the abstract is now on our
web site:
Several fine images around 2007 April 1 likewise showed the rotation (see
attached set).
In the last few days, I have not received any v-hi-res images to compare
with Zac's image. However Anthony's best image, taken 5.0 days earlier on
April 13, shows a dark arc in a very similar position, probably one rotation
earlier. When Fabio commissions his new camera for full colour images, it
should be easier to track such features in the GRS.
Meanwhile the double SED still looks spectacular as it has passed the GRS.
SED-2 (on the left in Zac's image) now seems to be the main complex, while
SED-1 (near the CM) has lost its rift, and may be subsiding.
And the first white spot of the NTB outbreak is dazzling on the CM!
Best wishes,
John H. Rogers,Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
[British Astronomical Association.]
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