木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2007/08/11(UT)
福井英人,池村俊彦,熊森照明,畑中明利,三品利郎,米山誠一,林敏夫,菅野清一,野々口猛浩,阿久津富夫,永長英夫,安達 誠
Robert Heffner,Marc Delcroix,Christopher Go,Antonello Medugno
H.Fukui,R.Heffner,T.Ikemura,T.Kumamori,A.Hatanaka,T.Mishina,S.Yoneyama,T.Hayashi,S.Kanno,T.Nonoguchi,T.Akutsu,Delcroix,Christopher Go,A.Medugno,H.Einaga,M.Adachi

Hideto Fukui (350mm SC)

[Hideto.Fukui  (Shizuoka-Prefecture  Japan)]
≪静岡県藤枝市  福井英人≫

Toshihiko Ikemura (310mm Newton)

Use is free.
[T.Ikemura Nagoya Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県名古屋市  池村俊彦≫

Teruaki Kumamori (200mm Dall-kirkham)


≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫

Akitoshi Hatanaka (400mm Cassegrain)

≪三重県熊野市  畑中明利≫

Toshirou.Mishina (200mm Newtonian)
Impression (visual observation)
The NTB is clearly seen.  The NEB is seen red brown.
There is a festoon in the NEBs. And, the area behind this festoon is
white and bright. The EB looks light.  The zone on the north side
of the SEB is white and bright.
The dark spots on SEBs and the dark spots on STBn are clearly seen.

眼視印象  10:40UT

≪神奈川県  横浜市  三品利郎≫

Seiichi Yoneyama(200mm Newton)

≪神奈川県横浜市  米山誠一≫

林敏夫 Toshio Hayashi (355mm Schumidt-Cassegrain)

≪京都府京都市  林敏夫≫

Seiichi Kanno(250mm Newtonian)

≪山形県上山市  菅野清一≫

Takehiro Nonoguchi (Drawing: 105mm refractor)

[Takehiro-Nonoguchi  Takamatu-Kagawa-Japan  ]
≪野々口猛浩 香川県高松市≫

Tomio Akutsu (280mmSC C11)

≪Cebu PHILLIPINES  阿久津富夫≫

Marc Delcroix (254mm SC)
Jupiter under fair seeing conditions,offering me at last a good view of interesting STrD-1 region (looks like lately I only got RS in view):
Correctly if I'm wrong,but I think we see an interaction of big L spot zone with f. end of STrD-1 before L actually entering the disturbance,making the whole look like a ring between SEBs and STeB (see IR image). These zones look as darl as BA inUV. Forward the distrubance and below BA,it looks like some tiny spots continued to merge.
We can also see WSZ and 4 SSTB WOS in SSTB.

[Marc Delcroix Tournefeuille,France]
Christopher Go (Celestron C11)
Conditions were perfect today! I imaged with Tomio today.
This is the area around Oval BA and STrD-1. Note the white spot around the dark spot that went through the STrD-1. Note also the vortex like feature about to pass around STrD-1.
The white area in the middle of the SEB is very interesting. Note also the small dark spot on the SEB in the image below.
The EZ is claming down. The NEB is quiet while the NTB has really revived. The NNTB is reviving and it seems like that the white spot around is might be involved in the NNTB revival.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Antonello Medugno (356mm SC)
2007/08/11 - (L)RGB UT: 17:54.0  &  R+IR UT: 17:47.8
Meade 14" (356mm) LX200 GPS (SC) efl=8900
Filters: R+IR (#25 Baader) & GB (Astronomik)
Camera: ImagingSource DMK21AF04.AS @ 16ms
Seeing 5/10,Trans.: 3/5

[Antonello Medugno,Capua-Italy]

Hideo Einaga (300mm Newton)

[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県  加西  永長英夫≫

Makoto Adachi (Drawing: 310mm Newtonian)

<Makoto Adochi Ohtu Shiga Japan> ≪滋賀県 大津市 安達 誠≫
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section