Two white spots reappear by John H.Rogers
ALPO-Japan Latest
Two white spots reappear by John H.Rogers
Two white spots reappear by John H.Rogers
Goto Japanese 日本語はこちら
Hi everyone,
The attached set of images (my last for some time) shows small but
interesting bright outbreaks on August 7, in two features that we have
tracked for many years:
One is a rift in SEB(N), on the CM at L1=38: this is a revival of the rift
in the S. Equatorial Disturbance after it has passed the GRS. (This
phenomenon was frequent in earlier years, but in recent months the SED has
become a long quiescent white area with no rift. The renewal of the rift
might be due to the reappearance of convective activity following the GRS.
The SED has quickly resumed its classical appeaarance; will this last?)
The other is a bright white spot on NEBn, near L2=50. This is a revival of
white spot Z. (White spot Z is the long-lived fast-moving anticyclonic
white oval on NEBn. In 2007 April-May, after the NTB outbreak passed it, it
suddenly decelerated and became a ragged grey patch, almost disappearing.
Now a bright white spot has popped up in it; this mostly dissipated within a
couple of days, but left WSZ as a distinct grey ring with a tiny white core.
It adds to my suspicion that WSZ was not a simple anticyclonic oval, but had
some characteristics of the equatorial plumes theoretical modelling would
be of interest.)
The images also show interesting slower developments in the belts at these
>>>> The NTB is still reddish.
>>>> The SEB(S) is now dark and also reddish. It has extended quietly past
STrD-1 and is spreading rapidly towards the GRS; so this sector of SEB will
also revive, but peacefully. But the middle of the SEB is almost white.
>>>> The Equatorial Zone is not as dark as it was in recent months.
John H. Rogers,Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
[British Astronomical Association.]
(日本語訳 伊賀祐一)
2個の白斑の再出現 by John H.Rogers
攪乱(S. Equatorial Disturbance)におけるリフトの復活である。(この現象はずっ
に、NTB outbreakが通過した後に、白斑'Z'は突然減速し、不完全なグレーのパッ
John H. Rogers,Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
[British Astronomical Association.]
ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Section