火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2007/06/30(UT)

Robert Heffner

 Heffner氏も記録されているように、ダスティーな火星面に記録されている。メリディアニ(Meridiani;oW,-5)は非常に淡くなり、ダストに覆われているらしい。また、ノアキス(Noachis;350W,−40)付近も淡くダスティーだ。(reported by 1 observer)
It is a dusty Mars side as R.Heffner is also recorded. Meridiani becomes very light and, seemingly, is covered with dust storm. Moreover, near Noachis (350W,-40) is dusty palely.
(reported by 1 observer)
FROM Makoto Adachi
Robert Heffner (280mm SCT)
Both seeing and transparency were poor - however the poor 
conditions were consistent (no large clouds or seeing meltdown 
etc.) - so I was able to take some consecutive images of dusty Mars.
Most of the evening limb features including Sinus Meridian and 
Sinus Sabaeus etc. are obscured by dust. Looking forward to taking 
some color captures in the week to come. 

[Robert Heffner:Aichi,Japan]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section