火星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2007/07/24(UT)
Damian Peach,Antonello Medugno
(reported by 3 observers)
The SPC which became extremely small is splendidly caught by the picture of Damian Peach.
The belt of duststorm is showing in Noachis (350W,-40) from Hellas(290W,-50). It seems that
Hellespontus (335W,-45) is not so deep from being visible barely. However, it turns out
that it is beltlike. By the blue picture, the South Pole and the North Pole can have seen
white clouds. The direction of Hellas is bright and signs that it has clarified rather
than Eridania (210W,-45) understand the picture of Antonello Medugno.
(reported by 3 observers)
FROM Makoto Adachi
Damian Peach (350mm Celestron SCT) |
Here are some images from this morning. Poor conditions unfortunately.
Syrtis Major is visible along with Iapygia/Mare Serpentis. Part of Sabeaus Sinus is also visible,though is "cut off" approaching Meridiani due to dense dust coverage. The whole contrast of the albedo markings is considerably reduced due to airborne dust.
[Damian Peach: Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom]
Toshirou.Mishina (200mm Newtonian) |
It seems to have seen the hood of the North Pole a little with the unassisted eye.
≪神奈川県 横浜市 三品利郎≫
Antonello Medugno (356mm SC) |
2007/07/24 - UT: 01:21.4
Meade 14" (356mm) LX200 GPS (SC) efl=3560
Filters: IRpass pro 807 (Astronomik)
Camera: ImagingSource DMK21AF04.AS mono @ 33ms
Seeing 7/10 , Trans.: 2/5
[Antonello Medugno,Capua-Italy]