火星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2007/07/31(UT)
柚木健吉,池村俊彦,安達 誠
John Sussenbach,Christophe Pellier,Damian Peach,Richard Bosman
今日のトピックはソリス(Solis Lacus;90W,-27)の南半分をダストストーム
(reported by 7 observers)
On the south of Ophir and Agathodaemon which looked bright seems to be
the place which changed with these dust storm brightly. By a green image,
it can judge from not being reflected brightly. As for today's topic,
dust storm has seemed to cover the south half of Solis Lacus (90W,-27).
It seems that it is extended northwest ward for a while.
(reported by 7 observers)
FROM Makoto Adachi
John Sussenbach(C11 280mm SC) |
[John Sussenbach:Houten,Netherlands]
The long wavelengths do show the classical dark markings and no obvious dust cloud is detected. However,the RGB image is still very poorly contrasted because of the lifted dust.
[Christophe Pellier Bruz City,France]
Kenkichi.Yunoki (260mm Newtonian) |
[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
Toshihiko Ikemura (310mm Newton) |
Use is free.
[T.Ikemura Nagoya Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県名古屋市 池村俊彦≫
Damian Peach (350mm Celestron SCT) |
Poor-Fair seeing. Dust obscuration is significant over this hemisphere.
[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]
Makoto Adachi (Drawing: 310mm Newtonian) |
<Makoto Adochi Ohtu Shiga Japan>
≪滋賀県 大津市 安達 誠≫
Just 15 min later , a beter resoltion !
Details :Mare Cimmerium,Tritonis Sinus,Hellas on the limb ,Hesperia etc.
Unauthorized use prohibited
[copyright(c)2006 Richard Bosman: Netherlands]