海王星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Neptune Image 2007/08/23(UT)
George Tarsoudis
George Tarsoudis ( 250mm Newtonian ) |
My first attempt with planet Neptune, with my 10inch telescope and DMK 21AF04 with barlow 5X at barlow projection protographic method around f/43, I use Astronomik filters RGB.
I dont understand why in my photo the pole has a different color, the north pole is a little green and the south pole is a little red.
And finally why my Triton is green???
I use registax to processing my 3 AVI files with about 2300 frames/AVI files, for RGB addition the MaximDL and final processing in PS 9 for crop & resize.
2007/08/23 21:22:07- 21:27:08 (UT)
Radius : 24763 km, Apparent mag. : 7.83, Disk illumination : 100%, Angular size : 2.4arcsec, Alt. : 33.27
Dia= 7.83
250mm at f/6.3 Newtonian DMK 21AF04, barlow 5X, L-RGB
Seeing 6/10 Trans 5/10
George Tarsoudis, Alexandroupolis of Greece
[George Tarsoudis,Alexandroupolis of Greece]
《ターソウディス ギリシャ アレクサンドロポリス》