その他惑星 ALPO-Japan Latest

4 Vesta Image 2007/05/26(UT)

Antonello Medugno

Antonello Medugno (356mm SC)
2007/05/26 - UT: 00:21.0  -  UT: 00:26.0 
Meade 14" (356mm) LX200 GPS (SC) efl=8900
Filters: Red (Astronomik)
Camera: ImagingSource DMK21AF04.AS mono @ 37ms
Seeing 6/10 , Trans.: 2/5
Comments: The shape of asteroid is well visible and the bright areas too in the raw and processed images. It's difficult, instead, to decide if the dark area in the core of the shape between the bright areas is real or is an artifact. The 90° rotation of the camera confirm the bright areas while the presence of dark area in the raw image (full visible on the raw on the left and just 5% median light reduction in the raw on the right) can be a good indication to know how it's an artifact and how not. The acquiring has been made in order to obtain, in the red band, as clear as possible the albedo differences. Before stacking I've manually selected the best frames where the asteroid appears well shaped and not deteriored by the seeing artifatcs that at 37ms could be freezed. The question is opened again.

[Antonello Medugno,Capua-Italy]

ALPO-Japan Latest Oplanets Section
2007/05/30 [ISS]
2007/05/22 [Saturn occult