–د ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2008/03/31(UT)
Christopher Go
Christopher Go,T.Akutsu,K.Ozaki

Christopher Go (Celestron C11)
Seeing was not good when I started but in a few minutes it improved to perfect condition!
The NEBn white ovals are really about to merge now! They are now right next to each other. There is a hint of a 3rd oval to the left of the left oval! 3 ovals might merge in the next few days! The NEBn is filled with dark cyclonic spots and white anti-cyclonic spots on the NTrZ edge.
The SEB is very busy with a lot of dark rifts. Note the white spot on the right edge of the SEB! The EZ is filled with festoons!
The NTB at this region is very dark red.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Tomio Akutsu (355mmSC C14)

áCebu PHILLIPINES  ˆ¢‹v’Õx•vâ

Kimikazu Ozaki(420mm Rfd)

[Ki.Ozaki,  Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]
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ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section