木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2008/06/02(UT)
Christopher Go,John Kazanas,David Pretorius,Donald C Parker
T.Akutsu,Christopher Go,J.Kazanas,D.Pretorius,Don

Tomio Akutsu (355mmSC C14)

≪Cebu PHILLIPINES  阿久津富夫≫

Christopher Go (Celestron C11)
It was a little scary this morning. Jupiter was just 20 degrees above a big storm cloud. There was thunder and lightnight! Fortunately,seeing was very good and transparency perfect.
These are some of my best image s this season. Note the activity on the SEB. There are a lot of small red and white spots on the SEB. While the SEBn has some parts of the SEB outbreak.
Io can be seen at the NEBn. Io's shadow is on the left. Note the white oval Z on the NEBn. Note the bluish feature at the center of this oval! The NEB outbreak can be seen rising on the right.
Note the detail on the northern hemisphere! There are a lot of tiny white spots and other interesting features.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
John Kazanas (317mm Newton)
Jupiter taken through light fog.

Potential disturbance feature looks to be protruding from the EZ into the SEB visible on the E limb

[John Kazanas,Melbourne Australia]

David Pretorius (254mm Newton)
At L2 = 272 and comparing the two images of the same area,the brown spots
have joined I think???
The transparency was not good due to high cloud,but the seeing was ok.
Due to the field rotation I get with the Dob Base,I have used registax
(dreaded lumenera banding with optimize) to produce the three images and
then pixinsight to combine them by aligning features on the planet.
The features have aligned quite well,but I do have colour issues at the limb.
I am going to go back and compare blue channels for WSZ as it seems to me to
be getting more vivid
I have Birds astronomiks filters coming for testing,so I hope to make them
fit and get better transmissions and solid 30fps in all channels.

[David Pretorius,Tasmania Australia]

Donald C Parker(16-in (41cm) Newtonian)

[ Donald C Parker Coral Gables,Florida U.S.A]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section