その他惑星 ALPO-Japan Latest

ISS Image 2008/02/04(UT)

Ralf Vandebergh

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton)
This was the first opportunity to capture a reasonable pass of the ISS in the new
evening-visibility period this month.It was a case of luck to just have a gap in
the clouds,a few minutes later,it was raining again.
The observing and lighting angle was favourable to capture the Stations main
Robotic Arm(Canadarm).It is visible below as the oblong projection.
A movie of the station is also added.

We see especially the Robotic
Station Arm(Candadarm)very good.

I regularly reprocess earlier ISS and other satellite images to see what is the gain, since
processing techniques are improving month after month. 
Speaking of ISS, you really get back in time as certain modules or other elements were 
still not attached to the Space Station and you see an earlier stage of it . 
This reprocessing is involved in a special story..

April 19, 2008;  In Kazakhstan lands the Soyuz TMA-11 spacecraft, returning from the
ISS with on board 2 women and a men. The first time in history that 2 women flew 
together in one Soyuz. One of them is Peggy Whitson, comming home after her second
long-duration stay on the ISS. 
It turned out to be no normal landing, since the crew experienced forces of about 8
times that of gravity. The Soyuz made a so called 'ballistic re-entry', this is a re-entry, 
steeper then a normal one. The cause was a malfunction and the vehicle landed
475km from the intended landing point. It happened 2 times before with a 
Soyuz TMA, but the crew was doing well.

We follow the path of the TMA-11 backwards to the point it was still docked to the ISS
since October 12, 2007. On February 4, 2008, I took this image with the 10'' reflector 
during a favourable southern pass, sky only partially clear, lighting angle to the station
exellent, observing angle favourable too, witness the good visibility of the Canadian
Robotic arm Canadarm 2, visible with some structure at the underside, and in position
awaiting the arrival of the upcomming STS-122 mission.

The Soyuz TMA-11, subject of the story, is greatly visible as well, especially one of its 
solar panels stands good in the light.

Imagery: 10inch Newtonian, manually tracked)

[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

ALPO-Japan Latest Oplanets Section
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2008/02/02 [Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter 2008 February 01-02]