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ISS Image 2008/12/27(UT)
Ralf Vandebergh
Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton) |
Hi,--a series of cold transparant nights enabled imagery of the space station in
this December morning visibility frame.As no favourable seeing was expected
like mostly in these cold east-stream skies,there were a few surprises though.
This is one of the frames I gathered with the first selection,and the EVA work of
the last months STS-126 mission with Endeavour is indirectly visible at the
Starboard side of the station;we see for the first time after months an autotrack
of the Starboard SARJ(the righter solar panel).
On another note,note the obvious Earth blue reflection(especially the Columbus-Kibo lab
configuration seems to reflect heavily according to most frames.
10inch Newtonian/ATK-2C manually tracked)
Hi all--This is what came out as a second result of the selection
frames from my Dec 27, 2008 session during a 75°northern elevation pass.
Thanks to the very clear sky of this day,the earlier mentioned cyan
or blue-green color reflected in the bright white parts of the station is
particularly well visible.I expect that this must be reflected Earth-light.
The big Kibo lab seems to share a lot in this.
Unless the weather and seeing offers good oppertunities to observe
the station late Januar,this is probably one of my last images of the
ISS in this configuration.Mid Februar,the last large solar panel will
be delivered,making the entire shape definitely symmetric.
Unless there will be anything special to report,I will announce myself
again then.
This image was interesting enough to be on my list of older images to
get a reprocessing with the current techniques and skills.
What we actually see happen here is a kind of fight between the reddish/orange
colors of the solar panels and the strongly obvious reflection of the typical
cyan Earth light. As every photographer knows, these colors are complementary
to each other. The result is a somewhat strange balance like there is a slight
color haze over it.
A pity, the 4th solar panel wasn't attached yet! (now it is, but to get this composition
again is no easy feat...).
ISS image reprocessing Dec 27, 2008
This image was interesting enough to be on my list of older images to
get a reprocessing with the current techniques and skills.
What we actually see happen here is a kind of fight between the reddish/orange
colors of the solar panels and the strongly obvious reflection of the typical
cyan Earth light. As every photographer knows, these colors are complementary
to each other. The result is a somewhat strange balance like there is a slight
color haze over it.
A pity, the 4th solar panel wasn't attached yet! (now it is, but to get this composition
again is no easy feat...).
[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]