ؐ ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2009/11/28(UT)
Christopher Go
T.Ikemura,Christopher Go,H.Einaga,K.Ozaki

Toshihiko Ikemura (380mm Newton)

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[T.Ikemura Nagoya Aichi JAPAN]
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Christopher Go (Celestron C11)
Jupiter is getting lower in the sky. Seeing was okay this evening but I had to cut short my session when clouds rolled in.
The SEB is very quiet! It is also very pale now. Note the SSTB ovals. The anti-cyclonic oval is not right next to the cyclonic oval Note the spots of STB material.
The NEB is still very dark and busy. There are a lot of rift activity and outbreak. Note the dark red oval on the NEBn.
There is HUGE dark red barge on the NNTB. The NTB is quiet and fading.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Hideo Einaga (300mm Newton)

[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
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Kimikazu Ozaki(420mm Rfd)

[Ki.Ozaki,Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section