Jupiter publications and a notable conjunction by John H.Rogers
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 12:19 AM
Subject: Jupiter publications and a notable conjunction
Dear Jupiter aficionados:
1) Jupiter is today just 32' S of Neptune - so there is a photo-opportunity tonight and over the next week or so.
2) Our web site now has various reports on Jupiter in 2009, and a full report on the 'Bird Strike' impact, all of which
have been published in the Journal of the BAA. They are:
Rogers J (2009 Oct.) JBAA 119 (5) cover & pp.235-236: News: 'Anthony Wesley's "Bird Strike": A new impact on Jupiter.'
(2009 Dec.) JBAA 119 (6), 308: News: 'Jupiter in 2009: an interim report'.
Rogers JH, Wesley A & Mettig H-J (2009 Dec.) JBAA 119 (6), 311-315. Section Report: 'The 2009 impact on Jupiter'.
3) The web site also has a preprint of a big study that we have recently completed, as follows (the abstract is below):
Rogers JH, Adamoli G & Mettig H-J (2009 Aug.) submitted to JBAA:
'Jupiter's high-latitude storms: A Little Red Spot tracked through a jovian year.'
As well as the Great Red Spot, Jupiter sometimes presents one or more Little Red Spots (LRSs) in various latitudes.
A LRS is often seen in the North North Temperate Zone (NNTZ), but the frequency and properties of these ovals have never
been studied in detail. Here we review all our records of the red, white, and methane-bright anticyclonic ovals in the NNTZ.
There is a simple conclusion: A single LRS, which we name NN-LRS-1, has persisted from 1993 to 2009. It has varied in colour
between red and off-white, but has been methane-bright throughout these years. This now ranks among the most long-lived spots
ever recorded on the planet. There is always at least one other oval in this latitude. This was a second methane-bright LRS
from 1994-1997, and there was also a smaller LRS in 2006. The other ovals are all white; two have lasted for four years or more
and were sometimes methane-bright; others have had shorter lives and were not. These results suggest that red colour, and the
high-level haze that accompanies it, are correlated with the size and longevity of the oval.
All these ovals have variable speeds, alternating irregularly between slow (DL2 ~ -1 deg/month) and fast (DL2 ~ -12 deg/month).
The latitudes of the ovals range from 40 to 41.5 degN, and correlate closely with their instantaneous speeds. However the larger,
longer-lived ovals (especially the LRS) are centred systematically further south than the smaller white ovals, because they
distort the retrograding jetstream more deeply. Similar behaviour in other domains on the planet explains how ovals of different
sizes move with a single slow current while also being sensitive to the zonal speed gradient.
An oval at 60 deg.S shows very similar behaviour and has probably existed since 1994 or earlier.
With seasonal greetings, and best wishes for 2010,
John H. Rogers,Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
[British Astronomical Association.]
1) 木星は今日ちょうど海王星の南32分に位置している。今夜とか来週とか写真の対象である。
2) 我々のwebに2009年のいくつかのレポート、'Bird Strike' impactの完全レポートやBAAジャーナルに掲載されたものを公開した。
Rogers J (2009 Oct.) JBAA 119 (5) cover & pp.235-236: News: 'Anthony Wesley's "Bird Strike": A new impact on Jupiter.'
(2009 Dec.) JBAA 119 (6), 308: News: 'Jupiter in 2009: an interim report'.
LINK: http://www.britastro.org/jupiter/interim.htm
Rogers JH, Wesley A & Mettig H-J (2009 Dec.) JBAA 119 (6), 311-315. Section Report: 'The 2009 impact on Jupiter'.
LINK: http://www.britastro.org/jupiter/2009/JBAA_119-6_Impact-paper.pdf
3) webサイトには、最近完成させた大研究の前刷りも公開されている。
Rogers JH, Adamoli G & Mettig H-J (2009 Aug.) submitted to JBAA:
'Jupiter's high-latitude storms: A Little Red Spot tracked through a jovian year.'
LINK: http://www.britastro.org/jupiter/newpress.htm
Rogers JH, Adamoli G & Mettig H-J (2009 Aug.) submitted to JBAA:
'Jupiter's high-latitude storms: A Little Red Spot tracked through a jovian year.'
大赤斑と同様に、木星には時々複数の小赤斑(LRS, Little Red Spot)がいろいろな緯度に現れる。小赤斑は北北温帯(NNTZ)にしばしば
伊賀祐一 (Yuichi Iga) E-Mail: yuichi_iga@gaia.eonet.ne.jp
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section