火星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2009/10/25(UT)
Oscar Perez Lopez,Jean Jacques Poupeau
O.Perez Lopez,J.J.Poupeau
Jean Jacques Poupeau氏の画像を見ると、南極地方が黄色く写っています。また、
ものは、前日と同じ位置に見ることが出来ました。(reported by 2 observers)
If the images of Mr.Jean Jacques Poupeau is seen, the Antarctic region is
reflected yellow. Moreover, I can think that dust veil has covered to
the Antarctic region since the yellow image is also reflected brightly.
Of course, this is not positive information. Appropriate water ice cloud
was able to be seen in the same position as the previous day.
(reported by 2 observers)
FROM Makoto Adachi
Oscar Perez Lopez(150mm Newton) |
2009/10/25 03:15
Diameter:7,56 arcsec
Newton 150/1200 f8,barlowx4,filter IR/UV cut
webcam spc 900 nc
seeing 6/10 transparencia 7/10
[O.Perez Lopez:Jaen:Espana]
Jean Jacques Poupeau (350mm Cassegrain) |
[Jean Jacques Poupeau : Pecqueuse France]