その他惑星 ALPO-Japan Latest Animation of Europa occulting Ganymede Image 2009/05/08(UT)
Anthony Wesley
Anthony Wesley (332mm Newton)
Here's an animation of Europa occulting Ganymede on the morning of May 9 (May 8 18:02 UTC or thereabouts).
The seeing was not very good, and so I was only able to use 250/1200 raw frames for each final frame in the animation. You can see that the seeing improves a lot toward the end of the sequence.
Capture details:
Astrodon I-Series filter (Red)
PGR Dragonfly2 camera @ 38 fps
Images resampled to 300% before processing
Each animation frame spans approx 31 seconds, ie 1200 raw frames. The best 250 as chosen by ninox were stacked and processed in registax.
Identical processing was used on each of the 17 frames of animation so the relative intensities between the frames should be reliable except maybe the first frame which was captured in the worst of the seeing.
[Anthony Wesley,Murrumbateman Australia]
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