Hi-res images of the GRS region by John H.Rogers

ALPO-Japan Latest
Hi-res images of the GRS region by John H.Rogers

Hi-res images of the GRS region by John H.Rogers
GOTO Japanese 日本語はこちら
Quite a number of hi-res images of the GRS have been sent recently, by observers all around the world, which show the motions of many small and faint spots in currents around the GRS. A set of them from Aug. 7-15 has been posted on our web site:

These are followed by v-hi-res images on Aug.16-19 - attached. The pair by Brian Combs and Anthony Wesley were taken exactly one rotation apart and can be blinked, showing the atmospheric currents beautifully. (Note that a stream of tiny dark spots retrograding around the Red Spot Hollow has formed a loop extending all the way to the STBn - like a S. Tropical Disturbance, although I suspect that it will not last long, in the position adjacent to the GRS. Meanwhile, a tiny dark spot from the STBn prograding jetstream has circulated down this loop onto the SEBs.)
Then Mr. Tachikawa's fireball occurred on Aug.20, on the NEBn north of the GRS!-so the same region is the shown in that set of image.
Tomorrow night (Tuesday morning, Aug.24 at 01:43 UT), there will be a nice view for European observers, with the GRS on the central meridian on with Io's shadow beside it, and Io beginning a transit (01:46) and Ganymede going into eclipse (01:43). If anyone gets a good colour 'movie' of this, we might be able to show it on TV!-We are recording a programme with the BBC the next day, for which some local observers are aiming to produce images, but if they are clouded out it might be possible to include someone else's images.
Best wishes,
John H. Rogers,Ph.D. Jupiter Section Director, [British Astronomical Association.]


これらは添付した8月16-19日の高解像度画像に見られる。Brian Combs
とAnthony Wesleyの画像は、ちょうど1自転離れて撮影されていて、ブリンク




John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association. 
ALPO-Japan Latest      Jupiter Section