木星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2010/09/13(UT)
大田 聡,風本明,能登谷誠,齋藤 強,熊森照明,吉田知之,阿久津弘明,長谷部孝男
Damian Peach,Donald C Parker,Christophe Pellier
Satoshi Ota (309mm Newtonian) |
[Tomigusuku city Okinawa Japan]
≪沖縄県 豊見城市 大田 聡≫
Damian Peach (350mm Celestron SCT) |
A red light image from last night. It was 88F and with moderate dew and no wind at all...very oppressive. I just spent the whole session sweating!
The little spots in the NTZ are interesting...they seem to have bright cores.
[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]
Donald C Parker(16-in (41cm) Newtonian) |
Clouds and deteriorating conditions prevented imaging in other wavelengths.
[ Donald C Parker Coral Gables,Florida U.S.A]
Akira Kazemoto(308mm Newton) |
≪京都府久世郡 風本明≫
Tsuyoshi Saitou(200mm catadioptric,120mm Achromaic refractor) |
(Tsuyoshi Saitou : Shibukawa-City Gumma-Prefecture Japan)
≪齋藤 強:群馬県 渋川市≫
Teruaki Kumamori (280mm SC) |
≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫
Tomoyuki Yoshida(300mm Dall-kirkham) |
[吉田知之 Tomoyuki Yoshida:Utsunomiya,Tochigi,Japan]
Christophe Pellier (250mm Cassegrain) |
One good moment in R/IR under polar jetstream.
[Christophe Pellier Bruz City,France]
Hiroaki Akutsu(280mm Newtonian) |
≪北海道旭川市 阿久津弘明≫
[T.Hasebe Kasugai Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県春日井市 長谷部孝男≫