木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2010/11/06(UT)
柚木健吉,風本明,深川和利,小澤徳仁郎,池村俊彦,熊森照明,村田孝昭,長谷部孝男,唐澤英行,吉田知之,林敏夫,堀川邦昭,安達 誠
Christopher Go,Salvatore Spinoso,Sadegh ghomizadeh,George Tarsoudis
K.Yunoki,A.Kazemoto,K.Fukagawa,T.Kozawa,T.Ikemura,T.Kumamori,Christopher Go,T.Murata,T.Hasebe,H.Karasawa,T.Yoshida,T.Hayashi,Salvatore,Sadegh.GH,G.Tarsoudis,K.Horikawa,M.Adachi

Kenkichi.Yunoki (260mm Newtonian)

[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
Akira Kazemoto(308mm Newton)

≪京都府久世郡  風本明≫

Kazutoshi Fukagawa(180mm Dall-Kirkham)
180mm Dall-Kirkham f/12,eyepiece projection (f/42)
ToUcam Pro II with IR cut filter
1/25,15 fps,80sec.,1200 frames stacked (RegiStax3)
seeing 4/10,trans. 4/10

[K.Fukagawa Nagoya Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県名古屋市  深川和利≫

Kozawa Tokujiro(250mm Newtonian)

(Kozawa Tokujiro : Hachiouji-City Tokyo Japan)

Toshihiko Ikemura (380mm Newton)

Use is free.
[T.Ikemura Nagoya Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県名古屋市  池村俊彦≫

Teruaki Kumamori (280mm SC)

≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫

Christopher Go (Celestron C11)
I have not imaged the GRS area for almost a month. It was mostly cloudy today but it cleared up as Jupiter was close to the zenith. Seeing was excellent.
Oval BA is prominent. It is almost fully red now. The area around BA is messy.
The GRS is very dark with a dark ring on the southern edge. The SEB is very affected by the GRS.
The EZ and NEB are very busy. The NNTZ LRS is very prominent.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Takaaki Murata (160mm Newton)

≪東京都  国立市  村田孝昭≫

Takao Hasebe (280mm SC)

[T.Hasebe Kasugai Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県春日井市  長谷部孝男≫

Hideyuki Karasawa(300mm Newton)

[唐澤英行:Tokyo Japan]

Tomoyuki Yoshida(300mm Dall-kirkham)

[吉田知之 Tomoyuki Yoshida:Utsunomiya,Tochigi,Japan]

林敏夫 Toshio Hayashi (355mm Schumidt-Cassegrain)

≪京都府京都市  林敏夫≫

Salvatore Spinoso (203mm SC)

[Salvatore Spinoso  Palermo,Italy]

Sadegh ghomizadeh (235mm SC)
seeing & atmosphere was average PLS see you it.

[Sadegh ghomizadeh: Tehran IRAN ]

George Tarsoudis ( 250mm Newtonian )
Orion Optics Newtonian Telescope 250mm @ f/6.3,
Unibrain camera Fire-i 785,filters RGB,barlow 3X.

[George Tarsoudis,Alexandroupolis of Greece]
《ターソウディス  ギリシャ アレクサンドロポリス》

Kuniaki Horikawa(300mm Newtonian)

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区 堀川邦昭≫
Makoto Adachi (Drawing: 310mm Newtonian)

<Makoto Adochi Ohtu Shiga Japan> ≪滋賀県 大津市 安達 誠≫
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section