Westward movement of black spots in the STrZ just south of where the SEB should be by J.Melka

ALPO-Japan Latest
Westward movement of black spots in the STrZ just south of where the SEB should be by J.Melka

Westward movement of black spots in the STrZ just south of where the SEB should be by J.Melka
I imaged on the night of 2010-12-08UT to obtain the image on the right in the 
attachment with a central meridian system II (CMII) within 4 degrees of the 
image on the left taken on 2010-11-27UT. Comparing the images, it looks to me 
that the dark spots in the STr zone above the hidden SEB are spreading out 
Westward(to the right) in the STrZ jet stream. However the total number of dark 
spots has increased! Based on these two pieces of data along with the images, I 
suggest that the source of the spots is the large circular looking area on the 
Eastern limb of both images(see arrows) which other observers have shown to be a 
spread-out pattern of red and white ovals.
Jim Melka

[Jim Melka,St.Louis,Missouri U.S.A.]

ALPO-Japan Latest      Jupiter Section