その他惑星 ALPO-Japan Latest

ALOS telescopic observation Image 2010/04/30(UT)

Ralf Vandebergh

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton)
ALOS telescopic observation (long distance) 

緊急観測をしていたようです。(解説 T.Kimura)

This is my first observation of the Japanese Advanced Land Observing Satellite 
(ALOS), but at considerably long distance, far from a maximum pass overhead. 
Still exciting observation. This is a selected best frame of session, a 
sequence movie is comming maybe later. Very obvious elongated shape caused 
by the large solar panel: 

[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

ALPO-Japan Latest Oplanets Section
2010/05/04 [ISS IGS 5 H2A Rocket]
2010/04/28 [ISS]