その他惑星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Cosmos 1222 Image 2010/07/02(UT)

Ralf Vandebergh

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton)
Captured this small rocket part occasional and seems to be a
part of the modified SS-6 Sapwood rocket with first
generation upper stage. 

Interesting is, that when I'm right, this is the same 
rocket/upper stage configuration as used for the 
legendary Luna (3) mission in 1959.

[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

ALPO-Japan Latest Oplanets Section
2010/07/05 [ISS with visible all docked Soyus/Progress ships]
2010/06/30 [Progress M-04M in its last orbits]