Seeing was not as good as I had hoped but here is an image FYI.
[Jim Phillips South Carolina,U.S.A.]
Brian Colville(357mm SCT)
My first set of Jupiter images for the 'season', taken through my newly installed C14 OTA. My 30cm classic-cass has had ongoing issues over the past 3 years so I replaced it with a good used SCT.
All these images were taken at prime focus (f11) with the Lumenera 2-1M camera (4.65u pixels) which yields about 0.24"/pixel. The filters are all Astrodon's with the exception of the methane band which is by Custom Scientific. Image capture with Lucam Recorder, and processed in Registax v6.
Looking forward to long season of imaging!
[ Brian Colville : Cambray Canada]