木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2011/09/14(UT)
Fattinnanzi Cristian,Andrea Mistretta,Martin Mobberley,jackob strikis,Paul G. Abel,Christopher Go,Cristina Cellini,Ferruccio Zanotti,Carmelo Mel Zannelli,Damian Peach,Andrea Mistretta
C.Fattinnanzi,A.Maniero,M.Mobberley,J.D.strikis,T.Enomoto,P.Abel,M.Naitou,Christopher Go,S.Kanno,A.Hatanaka,C.Cellini,T.Akutsu,F.Zanotti,C.Zannelli,C.Tanaka,T.Murata,D.Peach,K.Ando,A.Mistretta,K.Horikawa

Fattinnanzi Cristian (360mm Newtonian)
An image of Jupiter obtained about an hour ago!
I n this case "tried" the rate of 60 frames per second,so the movie lasted
only 48 "long,I think this would ensure greater precision in the study of
the position of atmospheric details.
Good weather conditions.

2011/09/14 00.30 (UT)
Meade LX200 12"  304mm GPS
Point Grey Chameleon Mono
Barlow 2x Abbe Baader-Zeiss
IR-Pass Shott RG695 filter and RGB filters

[Fattinnanzi Cristian :  Montecassiano ITALY]

Andrea Maniero(276mm Dall-Kirkham)
Cassegrain telescope  250mm f/15
CCD : Flea3 mono
seeing : 6/10 transp 6/10

[ Andrea Maniero Padova ITALY ]

Martin Mobberley (300mm Newton)

[Martin Mobberley: United Kingdom]

jackob strikis ( 203mm Newton )

[jackob strikis,Athens Greece]

Takayuki Enomoto (D=200mm Newtonian)

<Takayuki Enomoto Itabash-Ward Tokyo Japan> ≪東京都板橋区 榎本孝之≫
Paul G. Abel(203mm reflector)
Well after a long period of terrible weather,the skies finally cleared and I was able to make an extended observation of Jupiter. Initially I made four disk drawings at the telescope,as well as various strip maps,but when it came to producing a final neat copy,it seemed best to compile a chart. The longitudes of the major features were obtained from transit times and should be reasonably accurate (I hope)!

Although there were frequent gusts,the observatory provided quite a bit of shelter,and seeing was frequently quite good (AII-III for much of the time). The most interesting points were:

-First proper sightings of white ovals in SSTZ
-Nice delicate structure at some longitudes whereby the STB and SSTB seem connected
-GRS nicely presented,it was not a uniform colour nor intensity and I decided to make a strip drawing of the spot and surrounding features (see attached)
-Large bright irregular region just proc GRS in SEB(s),light orange colour.
-Number of dark barges observed in NEB
-some interesting details in the far north.

Intensity estimate set was taken & a number of transit times of barges and various features recorded. Decided to finish at 0414UT and move over to Mars. Rather a good night with Jupiter- at last!!

[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]
Mineo Naitou(280mm SC)

[M.Naitou:千葉県 流山市]

Christopher Go (355mm SC)
Seeing was again excellent this morning!
This is the area opposite to what I imaged last night.
The STrZ isn't pure white. It has a yellowish hue. The SEB is still very busy activity all over. Note the small dark ovals lining up on the mid-SEB.
The NEB is narrow. The NNTZ LRS can be seen rising in the last image. It has noticeably lost its color.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Seiichi Kanno(300mm Newtonian)

≪山形県上山市  菅野清一≫

Akitoshi Hatanaka (400mm Cassegrain)

≪三重県熊野市  畑中明利≫

Cristina Cellini(Meade LX200 12")
2011/09/14 00.27 (UT)
Meade LX200 12"  304mm GPS
Point Grey Chameleon Mono
Barlow 2x Abbe Baader-Zeiss
IR-Pass Filter

12°10'E - 44°29'N
[Cristina Cellini:Ravenna Italy]

Tomio Akutsu (355mm SC)

≪Cebu PHILLIPINES  阿久津富夫≫

Ferruccio Zanotti (302mm Newtonian)

[Ferruccio Zanotti,Ferrara-Italy]

Carmelo Zannelli (356mm SC )

[Carmelo Zannelli,Sicily-Italy]

Chihiro Tanaka(250mm Newtonian)

[Chihiro Tanaka  (Tama-City,Tokyo,Japan)]
≪東京都多摩市  田中千尋≫

Takaaki Murata (160mm Newton)

≪東京都  国立市  村田孝昭≫

Damian Peach (356mm Celestron SCT)
After 11days of clouds,rain and gales the weather finally settled down for a few days. Fair seeing and terrible gusting winds blowing the planet off the chip made things very trying indeed. None the less some reasonable images were obtained. The oblique streak running through the NTB is very odd.

[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]
Kazunori Ando (300mm Newtonian)
Fig. 2011/09/14  17:58:00(UT)
CM1:268.0 CM2:031.9 CM3:330.4
D.300mm F5 Newtonian
POWER MATE 2.5x + 2.4x C-MountTele-Extender + Spacer
FL3-FW-03S1C IR-CUT 60frames/sec 72sec
StellaImage 6.0
Photoshop CS4

[Kazunori Ando Kyoto:Japan]
≪京都府・桂  安藤和典≫

Andrea Mistretta(130mm Newton)

[ Andrea Mistretta : Iglesias Italy]

Kuniaki Horikawa

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区  堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section