木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2011/11/14(UT)
John Sussenbach,Christophe Pellier,Freddy Willems

Toshihiko Ikemura (380mm Newton)
Seeing was poor.

[T.Ikemura Nagoya Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県名古屋市  池村俊彦≫

John Sussenbach(280mm SC)
 The eastern wind caused
poor seeing,but the Io transit made it still an inetrestingimage.

[John Sussenbach:Houten,Netherlands]

Christophe Pellier (250mm Cassegrain)
An interesting thing though - Dave commented about the pink STB spot today. This spot was dark a few months ago,and looks to follow a typical evolution of those cyclonic ovals. But what looks interesting to me here as well is its brightness in near infrared.
I find a striking similarity between this aspect,and this evolution,and that of the SEB barge of last year before the revival. It was as well slightly pink in RGB and bright in IR. Although I don't expect the STB spot to start a revival there's maybe some lesson to learn ? How to explain the bright albedo in IR ?

[Christophe Pellier Bruz City,France]
Freddy Willems(356mm SC)
Oval BA seems to faint more but still has some detail in it.
It's also quite busy around the GRS with a small bright beacon behind it.

[ Freddy Willems :Hawaii U.S.A]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section