Jupiter 2010/11 SEB Revival Report by Kardasis
Here is my first attempt on some Jupiter analysis on 2010/11 SEB Revival phenomenon. The complete work was presented in the 7th Panhellenic Conference of Amateur Astronomers that was held in the beautiful city of Chania-Greece (http://www.sfak.org/page/7oPSEA/65) .
You may download my complete work (unfortunately only in Greek) here:
I also presented my methodology in an imaging workshop in Chania-Crete.
The main aspects of my work were presented on a poster in EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011(02 - 07 October 2011, Nantes, France) in English. You may find it here:
These publications are based mainly on my observations and some other Greek observers which I thank (G.Tarsoudis, A.Elia, D.Stouraitis).I also thank J.Strikis, D.Kolovos and J.Rozakis for giving me their observations which I finally didn’t manage to use.
My main target was to learn more things about the giant planet and also to motivate the Greek amateur community on making planetary observations.
The project may look poor in comparison to other complete works like JUPOS/BAA, ALPO e.t.c. though for me was very complicate to make and present. It required about 500 hours of setting equipment-image and process more than 170 final observations. Than another 500 hours required to collect and archive all Greek obs, process and measure data , make compilations , study related publications and write both paper and poster (add hours to learn how to in WinJupos and Photoshop!).
I would like to thank all observers which include Freddy Willems, Tomio Akutsu and Hideo Einaga (I used one image of each for checking my data) and ALPO-Japan. Special thanks to J.Rogers for his advices, M.Jaquesson for technical support, Grisha Hahn for creating WinJupos and of course the whole BAA/JUPOS team! Also thanks to G.Maravelias, J.Strikis,I.Bellias and A.Christou for their special contribution in different aspects. Finally I would like to thank my family for their tolerance and patience during my effort. Excuse possible mistakes and omissions. I would greatly accept your comments.Thanks in advance.
Manos Kardasis
[Manos Kardasis,Glyfada-Athens;Greece]
《カーダシス マノス:ギリシャ アテネ》
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section