Jupiter fireball on Sep.10: Hi-res images before and after

September 11, 2012
John H. Rogers (BAA)

Hello all,

Several observers have now got excellent images on the second and third rotations after the fireball, and there is nothing new nor distinctive at the impact site. Congratulations to Gary, Mike, Wayne, Isao, and all others who made this effort. Attached are some of the best so far, along with an image by Tomio Akutsu that is the best I know of before the impact. (Attached are two versions of this set, one with south up, the other with north up and labels.)

best wishes,


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association


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Jupiter fireball on Sep.10: Hi-res images before and after

September 11, 2012
John H. Rogers (BAA)

何人かの観測者は火球出現後の2回目と3回目の自転の素晴らしい画像を得ているが、衝突位置には何も新しいものやはっきりとしたものは無い。Gary, Mike, Wayne, Isaoと努力をしてくれた皆さんにおめでとうを述べる。添付したのは、衝突前としてベストと思われるTomio Akutsuによる画像とともに、これまでのところベストの画像である。(添付には2つのバージョンがあり、一つは南が上で、もう一つは北が上でラベル付きである)。


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association



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Click to original size