木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2012/09/25(UT)
Alfredo Vidal,Stephen Gale,George Tarsoudis,Clif Ashcraft,Alan Coffelt,Sadegh ghomizadeh,James Willinghan,jackob strikis,David Arditti

Alfredo Vidal(280mm SC)
Seeing:  6/10  Trans: 6/10
Capture with Firecapture 2.0 and image treatment Registax 6.0

[Alfredo Vidal:Hospitalet Llobregat:Catalonia (Spain)]

Stephen Gale (256mm Newton)

[Stephen Gale: New Jersey U.S.A]
George Tarsoudis ( 254mm Newtonian )
Jupiter with LRS in NNTZ. Condition with average seeing

[George Tarsoudis,Alexandroupolis of Greece]
《ターソウディス  ギリシャ アレクサンドロポリス》

Hidetugu Hashino(305mm Newtonian)

≪千葉県木更津市 橋野英嗣≫[Hidetugu Hashino:Chiba:Japan]

Clif Ashcraft(184mm Schupmann)
Seeing was below average this morning from 09:40 to 09:56 UT when a series of 13 videos,
each of 60 seconds duration,were taken with a Flea3 color video camera coupled to the 7.25" Schupmann
with a 3x Barlow lens giving an effective focal ratio of f/46.2. The individual images obtained
using PIPP and Regsitax6 were of low quality,however some detail was obtained when all 13 were combined using
WinJUPOS to derotate and stack them. The raw stack was then wavelet sharpened in Registax. The result is attached.

Oval BA is seen clearly surviving another close scrape with the GRS.
The small brown spot following Oval BA seems to be a long lasting feature.
I have seen it in my images as far back as July 30,2012.
[Clif Ashcraft:New Jersey:USA]

Alan Coffelt (280mm SCT(C-11))
Here is one image that turned out good. GRS and Oval BA are in view.

[Alan Coffelt:Georgia:USA]

Teruaki Kumamori (280mm SC)

≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]

Sadegh ghomizadeh (235mm SC)
Condition  Windy seeing average I took some images PLS see you them.

[Sadegh ghomizadeh: Tehran IRAN ]

James Willinghan (304mm SCT)
Was a very good morning imaging Jupiter. Not only were the conditions really good,
but the GRS was crossing the center at the time I was imaging.
Now 'll have to pay for it with a forecast of showers through to the weekend.
I noticed a bunch of very bright white spots all over the NEB above the GRS and a very nice dark red ring still around Oval BA.

[James Willinghan: Elkridge Maryland U.S.A]
Masahiro Koishikawa(310mm Newtonian)

≪宮城県仙台市  小石川正弘≫[Masahiro Koishikawa:Miyagi Japan]

Kenkichi.Yunoki (260mm Newtonian)

[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
jackob strikis ( 203mm Newton )

[jackob strikis,Athens Greece]

Kuniaki Horikawa(300mm Newtonian)

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区 堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]
David Arditti (356mm SC)
This has been sitting on my desktop for a long time.
Good conditions (by our standards) on September 25 enabled this capture.
This was constructed from a sequence of videos RGB,RGB,RGB,R all of 1 minute duration.

A lot of cloud at the moment.
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section