Renewed activity in Jupiter's NEB

November 27, 2012
John H. Rogers (BAA)

Hello all,

Just a quick update on the rapid changes in the NEB, which many observers have been remarking on:

After the completion of the Revival of the NEB, the belt is now showing increasing large-scale activity again. The large rifted regions have spread extensively around the belt, and more anticyclonic white ovals (AWOs) and small brown barges have developed within its northern half - while, conversely, observers have been keenly following the merger of two AWOs and the merger of two barges.

The AWOs and barges at present include the following, in order of longitude. One large white oval at L2 ~ 70 resulted from the recent merger (although we still need to establish exactly what happened to any other remnants). White spot Z is a prominent AWO at L2 ~ 120, sometimes showing complex structure. The many superb images of the GRS region in recent days have shown two interesting events involving small barges. First, a barge at L2 ~ 165 appears to have split, as it was encircled by light clouds in the wake of a rifted region - though it's possible that the 'daughter' barge will not persist. Second, another pair of barges at L2 ~ 210/220 have converged and will be merging over the next few days. There is a small AWO at L2 ~ 260 which seems to have had one or more companions; and at L2 ~ 270 is the long barge resulting from a recent merger. The AWO which appeared to form at L2 ~ 350 on Nov.14 has not persisted as a major oval, though some circulation may remain there.

Meanwhile, the NEB north edge is already becoming lighter and disrupted; long sectors have become pale grey and there are ligher patches intruding onto it.
So the expansion following the Revival already appears to be receding, suggesting that another cycle of narrowing and Revival could follow within a 3-year period.

Congratulations to all the observers who are sending such good images, in spite of difficult weather in many places. I have compiled large sets of hi-res images which observers have sent of some of these phenomena, and hope to edit them into illustrations for an interim report fairly soon, but I can send working copies to anyone who is keen to see them.

PS (November 30)
To prepare us for Jupiter's opposition on Dec.3, and to supplement the note on the NEB which I sent recently (copied below), here is the latest map of the planet, with some of the interesting spots labelled.

best wishes,


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John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association

Renewed activity in Jupiter's NEB

November 27, 2012
John H. Rogers (BAA)








Click for the original size


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association
