Compilation of Mars (October 2011/February2012) by J.Sussenbach
Although the 2011/2012 apparition of Mars is certainly not over, I have
prepared a compilation to scale of the first half of this apparition. It
clearly illustrates the growth of the apparent diameter of Mars from 5.2" on
1 October 2011 till 12.7"on 11 February 2011. It is evident that the North
Polar cap is shrinking, whereas the phase increases from 0.92 to 0.98. Note
also the orographic clouds above the Tharsis volcanoes in some images.
The compilation further illustrates that processing is not always identical,
because the colour balance varies from image to image. Although this
compilation is far from perfection, it nicely illustrates celestial dynamics
at the planetary level.
[John Sussenbach:Houten,Netherlands]
ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section