火星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2012/03/07(UT)
Alfredo Vidal,Wayne Jaeschke,Dzmitry G.Kananovich,Freddy Willems,Cristina Cellini,Stephen Gale
2012/02/28 00:20:19 (UT)
CM: 224,0o Diam: 13,9”
Telescope Celestron SC-11” / f:25
Camera DMK-
21AU618 - Barlow Powermate 2,5x ? Red Baader filter
Seeing: 7/10 Trans: 7/10
Capture with Firecapture 2.1 and image
treatment Registax 6.0 and others
[Alfredo Vidal:Hospitalet Llobregat:Catalonia (Spain)]
Wayne Jaeschke(356mm SCT) |
in decent seeing as the
jet stream finally moved back up over Canada,perhaps in retaliation for
Justin Beiber. Syrtis Major is front and center and Huygens is apparent. A
brightening haze appears to be developing over Hellas compared to recent
imagery and a bright cloud is over the Elysium region.
[ Wayne Jaeschke ; West Chester,Pennsylvania U.S.A]
Dzmitry G.Kananovich(250mm Klevtzov-Cassegrain) |
[Dzmitry G.Kananovich,Minsk,Belarus]
[ Freddy Willems :Hawaii U.S.A]
Cristina Cellini(Meade LX200 12") |
2012/03/07 20.33 (UT)
Celestron C9.25 on ASA DDM60Pro
Point Grey Chameleon Mono
Barlow 2x Televue
12°10'E - 44°29'N
[Cristina Cellini:Ravenna Italy]
Stephen Gale (256mm Newton) |
[Stephen Gale: New Jersey U.S.A]