Jupiter's EZ since the New Year

January 19, 2013
John H. Rogers (BAA)

Hello everyone,

Since the New Year, there have been some notable features in Jupiter's equatorial region passing and preceding the GRS, as pointed out by Manos Kardasis, Chris Go, and others. They are shown on the attached two image compilations.

One of these features, near L1 ~ 60, appears to be a new South Equatorial Disturbance (SED). We have been tracking a potential SED during the autumn (report about to be posted), and after passing the GRS on Dec.28 it has (as I hoped) emerged in the characteristic form of a SED. In methane images, the appearance is not (yet) so typical but it shows some notably dark streaks on its p. side. This may well be the start of another long-lived SED like the one which existed from 1999-2009; but we will have to wait and see whether it will really persist.

The other group of features, at L1 ~ 110-150, are in northern EZ: two very bright spots (similar to classical 'plumes' associated with NEBs dark projections, although these show no sign of extension), followed by a large example of a NEBs dark projection. This projection is associated with particularly elaborate streaks in northern EZ suggestive of clockwise circulation, as has been observed by spacecraft.

Both sets of images include many methane-band images, which show various interesting features in the EZ.

best wishes,


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Click for the original size


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association


Jupiter's EZ since the New Year

January 19, 2013
John H. Rogers (BAA)


Manos KardasisやChris Goやその他の観測者が指摘しているように、新年以降、大赤斑を通過したり大赤斑前方の赤道領域に注目すべき模様がある。これらを添付した2枚の組画像に示す。

これらの模様の一つで、L1=約60度付近のものは、新しい南赤道攪乱【South Equatorial Disturbance(SED)】と思われる。我々は秋に潜在的なSEDを追跡していて(これについてのレポートは公開されようとしている)、12月28日に大赤斑を通過した後に、SEDの特徴的な形態で(期待したように)出現した。メタン画像では、外観は(まだ)それほど典型的ではないが、その前端にいくつかの特に暗いストリークが見られた。これは1999〜2009年に存在していたもののような、別の長寿命なSEDの始まりかもしれない。しかし、我々は待って、それが実際に持続するかどうかを確認する必要があるだろう。



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Click for the original size


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association

