木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2013/02/13(UT)
堀内 直,菅野清一,吉田知之,永長英夫
Christopher Go,Michel Jacquesson,Donald C Parker,Rudolf A.Hillebrecht
T.Horiuchi,Christopher Go,S.Kanno,Michel.J,Don,T.Yoshida,H.Einaga,R.A.Hillebrecht

Tadashi Horiuchi(300mm Newtonian)

《京都府宇治市、堀内直》[T.Horiuchi: Uji- City Kyoto Japan]

Christopher Go (355mm SC)

Seeing wasn't very good this evening. Probably because my OTA needs more cooling.

The GRS and Oval BA are moving further away from each other!
There seems to be a large white oval following BA.
The wake of the GRS looks a bit strange.
Io can be seen following the GRS.

The NEB stil has some rift activityh. While the NTBn is still dark.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Seiichi Kanno(300mm Newtonian)

≪山形県上山市  菅野清一≫[Seiichi Kanno:Yamagata Japan]

Michel Jacquesson (203mm SC)

[Michel Jacquesson : Sevigny-Waleppe (Ardennes) France]

Donald C Parker (356mm SC)
I have attached some RGB,NIR,CH4 and UV Jupiter images from 13
February. Finally I had some excellent seeing for the C-14.
The NNTZ red spot (LRS-b?) is bright in CH4 and prominent in the
second RGB image.

[ Donald C Parker Coral Gables,Florida U.S.A]

Tomoyuki Yoshida(300mm Dall-kirkham)

[吉田知之 Tomoyuki Yoshida:Utsunomiya,Tochigi,Japan]

Hideo Einaga (300mm Newton)

[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県  加西  永長英夫≫

Rudolf A. Hillebrecht (356mm SC)
Finally en evenig again with some reasonably fine but short moments of good seeing.
On the other hand I could take images for less than two hours before fog and clouds came rolling in again.
Its really a bad winter over here in germany with lots of clouds and very few and brief chances to glimpse our beloved planets.
So here is what I got in the short cloud break.
[Rudolf A.Hillebrecht: Bad Gandersheim,Germany ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section