Jupiter's South Temperate domain: Long-term report

July 16, 2013
John Rogers (British Astronomical Association)

Japanese (translated by Yuichi Iga)

Hello Jupiter fans,

I am pleased to tell you that we have posted a major new report on the BAA Jupiter Section website under "Reference Articles". The contents are summarised briefly below. As it contains a lot of new conclusions, we have also provided an Extended Summary as a 3-page PDF on the web site. The direct link is:


Jupiter's South Temperate domain: Behaviour of long-lived features and jets, 2001-2012

John Rogers , Gianluigi Adamoli, Grischa Hahn, Michel Jacquesson, Marco Vedovato, & Hans-Jorg Mettig
(JUPOS team and British Astronomical Association)


This report gives an overview of Jupiter's South Temperate domain, covering the years 2001-2012, from amateur images and the JUPOS database. We summarise the long-term history of the major features, principally a succession of structured cyclonic sectors in the South Temperate Belt (STB), one of which is associated with the single large anticyclonic oval (oval BA); and the STBn jet that is associated with them. Informative comparisons can be made between the speed-vs-latitude relationship for individual spot(s), which we here define as the Zonal Drift Profile (ZDP), and the speed-vs-latitude relationship for the smallest cloud features, which is the Zonal Wind Profile (ZWP). We provide a synthesis which explains most of the previously puzzling features of this domain.

The STB consists of alternating structured and undisturbed sectors, and we track the origin and fate of the structured segments over the years. At the preceding end of one of them is oval BA, the only large anticyclonic oval in the domain. The other structured sectors consist of cyclonic regions, which begin as small dark spots or streaks remote from oval BA, then expand, and eventually catch up with the dark segment following BA, inducing intense disturbance in and around it. This cycle has been completed three times in 15 years.

Oval BA has been reddish since 2006. It sometimes undergoes large changes of drift rate, which appear to be caused by two factors: the cyclic impacts and shrinkages of structured STB segments impinging on its following side, and the periodic passages past the Great Red Spot. From 2008 onwards it has been shrinking in length and probably in width, which accounts for a progressive southwards shift in its zonal drift profile [speed-vs-latitude relationship]. The same evolution was shown by the three earlier long-lived ovals.

The retrograde STBs jet and the prograde STBn jet are both shown to vary with longitude and time. The ZDP for dark spots in the STBs jet and STZ varies with longitude (in relation to the 'STB Remnant') and with time, suggesting that the ZWP also varies. Spacecraft data show that the STBs jet is often faster in structured sectors; so is one component of the STBn jet.

The STBn jet, as observed by spacecraft, has two sub-peaks at ~26S and 29S. We show that the 29S subpeak is relatively stronger alongside STB dark segments, and that the speeds of these sub-peaks also vary with time. The STBn jet often carries small dark spots, emanating from long-lived dark STB segments, and we show that they tend to drift northwards during their lives, probably from one sub-peak to the other. These results reveal a novel longitudinal and latitudinal structure in a prograde jet.

Thanks to all the observers for the vast amount of data that has gone into this! And thanks to Damian for posting it.
The report can be cited by its title, authors & URL.

We hope you enjoy it!

Please do not try to contact me between July 18-31 as I will be away with limited e-mail contact.

best wishes,

John Rogers


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association


Jupiter's South Temperate domain: Long-term report

July 16, 2013
John Rogers (British Astronomical Association)


BAA木星セクションのwebサイトの"Reference Articles(参考記事)"に、新しい主要なレポートを公開したことを伝えられてうれしい。内容は以下に簡単に要約する。多くの新しい結論が含まれるので、webサイトに3ページのPDFとして拡張した要約も公開している。直接リンクは以下である。


木星の南温帯地域の長期監視:I. 白斑BAと構造化セクターの周期的な発達
木星の南温帯地域の長期監視:II. STBsとSTBnジェット気流の経度および時間における変動

※参考:"Reference Articles"ページ

Jupiter's South Temperate domain: Behaviour of long-lived features and jets, 2001-2012

John Rogers , Gianluigi Adamoli, Grischa Hahn, Michel Jacquesson, Marco Vedovato, & Hans-Jorg Mettig
(JUPOS team and British Astronomical Association)


このレポートは、アマチュアの画像とJUPOSデータベースから、2001-2012年をカバーする、木星の南温帯地域の概略を説明する。主に、南温帯縞(STB)の構造化された低気圧性セクターの連続や、単一の巨大な高気圧性白斑(BA)に関係するものの一つや、これらに関係するSTBnジェット気流など、主要な模様の長期的な歴史をまとめている。有益な比較は、帯状風ドリフトプロファイル(Zonal Drift Profile,ZDP)として定義する個々の斑点の速度対緯度の関係と、帯状風プロファイル(Zonal Wind Profile,ZWP)である最小の雲模様の速度対緯度の関係との間で行うことができる。我々はこの地域の以前には不可解な模様のほとんどを説明する仮説を提案する。



後退するSTBsジェット気流と前進するSTBnジェット気流は両方とも経度と時間で変化していることを示している。STBsジェット気流とSTZの暗斑のZDPは、経度('STB Remnant(残留物)'と関係する)と時間で変化していて、そのことがZWPも変化していることを示す。探査機データによると、STBsジェット気流はしばしば構造化されたセクターでは速いので、STBsジェット気流はSTBnジェット気流の一つの成分である。





John Rogers


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association


【日本語訳:伊賀祐一 (Yuichi Iga)】