Long-term monitoring of Jupiter’s South Temperate domain:
I. Oval BA and the cyclic development of structured sectors

July 16, 2013

John Rogers, Gianluigi Adamoli, Grischa Hahn, Michel Jacquesson, Marco Vedovato, & Hans-Jorg Mettig
(JUPOS team and British Astronomical Association, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J ODU, U.K.)

[Abstract for European Planetary Science Congress, 2013]

Japanese (translated by Yuichi Iga)

The pattern of atmospheric phenomena in Jupiter’s South Temperate domain, covering the years 2001-2012, is here deduced from amateur images. We summarise the long-term history of the major features, viz. a succession of structured cyclonic sectors of the South Temperate Belt (STB), one of which is coupled to the single large anticyclonic oval (oval BA). The other structured segments begin as small dark spots or streaks remote from oval BA, then expand, and eventually catch up and merge with the dark segment at BA, inducing intense disturbance in and around it. This cycle has been completed three times in 15 years, maintaining at least 2 structured sectors at all times. The major changes in drift rate of oval BA appear to be due to the impacts and subsequent shrinkage of the structured segments. From 2008 onwards, oval BA has been shrinking and shifting southwards.

1. Methods

This report is based on measurements by the JUPOS team on the innumerable images taken by amateur observers around the world, whose names are posted on the JUPOS web site (http://jupos.org).

2. Background

Jupiter’s South Temperate domain, between the jets at 36S and 26-29S, has always contained notable features, which usually constitute 2 or 3 distinctive sectors widely separated in longitude, suggestive of control by a planetary-scale wave. The nature of these sectors has changed over the decades. Since 2000, there has been just one large anticyclonic oval (called BA), and one or more dark segments of South Temperate Belt (STB), but their development and variations over multiannual timescales have not previously been analysed.

Here we present a long-term overview of the domain covering the years 2001-2012, from amateur images, with a novel synthesis of the behaviour of the major features.

3. STB structured sectors

There are always 2 or 3 structured sectors (e.g. Fig.1). One of them is headed by oval BA at its east end, followed typically by a dark STB segment (segment A), which sometimes contracts to form a small dark cyclonic oval (‘barge’). The other structured sectors are organised only in the cyclonic latitudes: some are dark STB segments, whereas one had very low contrast (the ‘STB Remnant’ in 2005-2010). Dark STB segments show small-scale turbulence, and emit small dark spots eastwards into the prograding STBn jet, and irregular dark streaks in a westwards extension along the retrograding STBs jet. (This activity was most graphically shown in the Cassini movies.)

Fig.2 shows how 3 structured sectors have success-ively arisen and expanded, then, drifting faster than segment A, they have caught up and collided with it.
Segment B began as a small dark spot in 1998 and became an expanding dark STB segment which collided with segment A in 2003/04.
Segment C began as a small dark spot in 2002-2004, but developed into the low-contrast ‘STB Remnant’, probably a cyclonic circulation cell, which collided with segment A in 2010. Both these collisions produced large effects:
--Rapid changes in the region, until the long merged STB segment stabilised again;
--Large and sustained acceleration of oval BA;
--A substantial outbreak of small dark spots prograding on the STBn jetstream p. oval BA;
--Dark spots or streaks spreading in the opposite direction southwest from the merging STB complex.

Segment D began as a small faint streak in 2008, and became an expanding dark STB segment which is colliding with segment A in early 2013. Meanwhile another small dark spot appeared on the opposite side of the planet in 2011, and has become a faint cyclonic streak which seems likely to be the next structured segment. Thus a small cyclonic feature can develop into a new structured sector when there are no other major features over a wide range of longitude, and thus initiate the next cycle.

4. Oval BA

Oval BA sometimes undergoes large changes of drift rate, which appear to be caused by two factors: the cyclic impacts and shrinkages of structured STB segments impinging on its west side, and the periodic passages past the Great Red Spot. Since it formed in 2000, its two major accelerations approximately coincided with the impacts of STB structured segments onto segment A, while its major decelerations approximately coincided with shrinkage of segment A (or part of it) into a small closed ‘barge’ (Fig.2).

From 2008 onwards, oval BA has been shrinking in length and probably in width, which accounts for a progressive southwards shift in its speed-vs-latitude relationship.

5. Discussion: The future of the domain

Since the three long-lived ovals of 1940-2000 have merged to leave just one anticyclonic oval, BA, and oval BA is shrinking in turn, will a new set of large anticyclonic ovals soon arise?

We suggest the following scenario. At present, oval BA is large enough to block the faster drift of the other structured STB segments, and therefore they only last for a few years, not long enough for anticyclonic circulation to develop between them. In the next few years, oval BA will shrink so much that it no longer controls the dynamics of the region, and the other structured STB segments will be free to develop a long-lived pattern of 2 or 3 of them spaced around the domain. Then, within a decade or so, the spaces between them will develop into anticyclonic circulations that will become the next generation of large ovals.

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Figure 1. Map of the southern hemisphere, 2011 Sep.24-30 (images & map by Damian Peach).
South is up, east to left. Key features of the S. Temperate domain are marked. 'tiny AWO', tiny anticyclonic ovals temporarily marking west ends of structured sectors A and D. DS4, small dark spot which may become new structured sector E.

Figure 2. Longitude vs time for STB structured sectors (labelled A to D), 2000-2012.
Grey shadings indicate dark STB segments. Green, oval BA; blue, east end of structured sector; purple, west end; B’, small feature preceding main part of sector B.

Long-term monitoring of Jupiter’s South Temperate domain:
II. Variations of the STBs and STBn jets with longitude and time

July 16, 2013

John Rogers, Gianluigi Adamoli, Grischa Hahn, Michel Jacquesson, Marco Vedovato, & Hans-Jorg Mettig
(JUPOS team and British Astronomical Association)

[Continued from Part I = EPSC abstract]


The precision of recent amateur data allows us to study temporal and longitudinal variations of the wind patterns. We show that the zonal drift profile in the STZ, and the retrograde STBs jet, and the prograde STBn jet all vary with longitude and with time. Most notably, STB structured sectors are distinguished by faster speeds both in the STBs jet (usually) and in one of the two sub-peaks of the STBn jet.


Wind patterns are analysed as speed-versus-latitude relations both for small-scale cloud textures (Zonal Wind Profile, ZWP), and for individual spots (Zonal Drift Profile, ZDP). ZDPs are obtained from JUPOS data, for the dark spots in the STB(S)/ STZ in all years (2000-2012), and for the dark spots in the STBn jetstream in 2010 and 2011. ZWPs are obtained from both amateur and spacecraft data in different longitudinal sectors of the STB, using 3 data sets: from New Horizons, 2007; from the Hubble Space Telescope, 2012; and from amateur images, 2012.

The STZ and the STBs jet

Slow-moving dark spots constitute the Sf. extensions of the dark STB sectors. Most of them are in the anticyclonic latitudes of the STZ, while the remainder are close to the retrograde STBs jet latitude (32S) and sometimes cross the jet. In general, their motions (ZDP) agree with the ZWP as established from spacecraft, but not reaching the peak speed of the retrograde jet. However we find two substantial variations:
i) In 2005-2007 only, the spots f. segment A showed the full retrograde jet speed. This may have been a long-lasting effect of the STB collision in 2003/04.
ii) In 2004-2007, the ZDP for spots Sf. the STB Remnant was displaced southwards. Most of these spots had been recirculated from the SSTBn jet at the Sf. end of the STB Remnant, which apparently interrupted the ZDP across the STZ.
Within dark STB segments, the STBs jet is faster than in undisturbed sectors, in 2 out of 3 sets of ZWPs.

The STBn jet

The STBn jet, as observed by spacecraft, is broad and variable with two sub-peaks at 26-27S and 29S. In all 3 sets of sectoral ZWPs, the 29S sub-peak is relatively stronger alongside STB dark segments, and the speeds of these sub-peaks also vary between years. Combinations of these patterns can account for all previously published spacecraft profiles.

The STBn jet often carries small dark spots, emanating from the dark STB segments. Unlike spots on other prograde jets, these span a wide range of speed and latitude. Both the visible narrow STB(N), and the jetstream spots travelling along it, trend northwards with decreasing longitude; but ZWPs imply that this is mostly not due to a variation of jetstream latitude. If the ZWPs obtained in 2007 and 2012 also apply in the presence of dark jetstream spots, many of which drift from ~28-29S to ~27S, these spots must be drifting between the two sub-peaks of the jet. These results reveal a novel longitudinal and latitudinal structure in a prograde jet.

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Figure 3 (top): (A, B) ZDPs for dark spots, compared with mean ZWP from Cassini.
(A) ZDP for STBn jetstream spots in 2011 (inc. some shifting northward). (B) ZDP for STZ/STB(S) dark spots in 2004-2007 (+, spots f. STB Remnant, mostly recirculated from SSTBn jet). (C) ZWPs from amateur images in 2012 Sep-Dec. in 3 sectors (colours), compared with mean ZWP from New Horizons. (See full report for details.)

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Figure 4 (bottom): Mean parameters of the jets in the structured and undisturbed sectors. (Base map as in Fig.1.)

I. 白斑BAと構造化セクターの周期的な発達

Long-term monitoring of Jupiter’s South Temperate domain:
I. Oval BA and the cyclic development of structured sectors

July 16, 2013

John Rogers, Gianluigi Adamoli, Grischa Hahn, Michel Jacquesson, Marco Vedovato, & Hans-Jorg Mettig
(JUPOS team and British Astronomical Association, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J ODU, U.K.)

[Abstract for European Planetary Science Congress, 2013]


2001-2012年をカバーする、木星の南温帯地域の大気現象のパターンは、アマチュアの画像から推定できる。南温帯縞(STB)の構造化された低気圧性セクターの連続や、単一の巨大な高気圧性白斑(BA)に結合するものの一つなど、主要な模様の長期的な歴史をまとめている。他の構造化されたセクターは、白斑BAから離れた小さな暗斑かストリークとして始まり、その後拡張して、最終的にその内部や周りに激しい攪乱を持ったBAの暗いセグメントに追いついてマージする。このサイクルは15年で3回完了していて、いつも少なくとも2個の構造化セクターを維持している。白斑BAのドリフトの大きな変化は、構造化セグメントとの衝突と引き続く縮小によるように見える。 2008年以降、白斑BAは縮小し、南方にシフトしている。

1. 手法

このレポートは、JUPOS webサイト(http://jupos.org)に名前が掲載されている、全世界のアマチュア観測者によって撮影された無数の画像を、JUPOSチームが測定した結果に基づくいている。

2. 背景



3. STBの構造化セクター

いつも2または3個の構造化セクターがある(例えば図1)。これらの一つはその東端に白斑BAが先頭にあり、時々小さな低気圧性暗斑(バージ)を形成するように縮小する、STBのダークセグメント(セグメントA)が典型的に後方に続く。他の構造化セクターは低気圧性の緯度のみで構成される。そのいくつかは非常にコントラストが低いSTBのダークセグメントである(2005-2010年のSTB Remnant(残留物))。STBのダークセグメントは小規模な乱流を示し、前進するSTBnジェット気流の東方に小暗斑を放出し、後退するSTBsジェット気流の西方に拡張する不規則なダークストリークを放出する。(この活動はカッシーニの動画に最も視覚的に見られる)。

セグメントCは2002-2004年に小暗斑として始まったが、2010年にセグメントAと衝突した、おそらく低気圧性の循環セルである低コントラストのSTB Remnantに発達した。これらの両方の衝突は以下のような大きな効果を産み出した。


4. 白斑BA

白斑BAは時々、2つの要因によって引き起こされているように思われる、ドリフトの大きな変化を受けている。一つはその西端に影響を与えている構造化されたSTBセグメントの周期的な衝突と縮小であり、もう一つは大赤斑の定期的な通過である。2000年にBAが形成されて以来、2回の大きな加速はセグメントAのSTB構造化セグメントとの衝突とほぼ一致するが、一方大きな減速は小さな閉じたバージ内部のセグメントA(あるいはその部分)の縮小とほぼ一致する(図2)。 2008年以降、BAは長さとおそらく幅も縮小していて、それは速度対緯度の関係で漸進する南方シフトを説明している。

5. 議論:地域の将来



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図1 2011年9月24-30日の南半球マップ(Damian Peachによる画像とマップ)
南が上、東が左。南温帯の主要な模様にマークしている。'tiny AWO'、構造化セクターA,Dの西端を一時的に示す小さな高気圧性白斑。'DS4'、新しい構造化セクターEになるかもしれない小暗斑。

図2 2000-2012年のSTBの構造化セクター(A〜Dのラベル)の経度対時間グラフ

II. STBsとSTBnジェット気流の経度および時間における変動

Long-term monitoring of Jupiter’s South Temperate domain:
II. Variations of the STBs and STBn jets with longitude and time

July 16, 2013

John Rogers, Gianluigi Adamoli, Grischa Hahn, Michel Jacquesson, Marco Vedovato, & Hans-Jorg Mettig
(JUPOS team and British Astronomical Association)

[Continued from Part I = EPSC abstract]


最近のアマチュア・データの精度によって、風パターンの時間および経度の変動を研究できるようになっている。STZや後退するSTBsジェット気流、前進するSTBnジェット気流の帯状風ドリフトプロファイル(zonal drift profile)の全ては経度および時間によって変化している。最も目立つのは、STB構造化セクターがSTBsジェット気流(通常)とSTBnジェット気流の2個のサブピークの一つの両方の速い速度によって区別されている。


風パターンは、小規模な雲テキスチュア【帯状風プロファイル(Zonal Wind Profile, ZWP)】と個別の斑点【帯状風ドリフトプロファイル(Zonal Drift Profile, ZDP)】の両方について、速度対緯度の関係として解析されている。全ての年(2000-2012年)のSTB(S)/STZについてと、2010年と2011年のSTBnジェット気流の暗斑について、ZDPはJUPOSデータによって得られている。New Horizons(2007年)、Hubble Space Telescope(2012年)、アマチュア画像(2012年)の3個のデータを用いて、STBの異なる経度セクターのアマチュアと探査機の両方のデータから、ZWPは得られている。


i) 2005-2007年だけ、セグメントA後方の暗斑は後退ジェット気流のフル速度を示した。これは2003/04年のSTB衝突の長期持続効果かもしれない。
ii) 2004-2007年に、STB Remnant(残留物)の南後方の暗斑についてのZDPは南方に置き換えられた。これらの暗斑のほとんどは、明らかにSTZを横切るZDPを妨害している、STB Remnantの南後方端のSSTBnジェット気流から再循環した。




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図3 (上): (A, B) 暗斑のZDP、Cassiniからの平均ZWPと比較する。
(A) 2011年のSTBnジェット気流暗斑のZDP(北方へのシフトを含む)。 (B) 2004-2007年のSTZ/STB(S)の暗斑のZDP (+, STB Remnant後方の暗斑、ほとんどはSSTBnジェット気流から再循環した)。 (C) 2012年9-12月のアマチュア画像からの3個のセクター(カラー)のZWP、New Horizonsからの平均ZWPと比較する。 (詳細はフルレポートを参照)。

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図4 (下): 構造化セクターと乱れていないセクターのジェット気流の平均パラメータ(図1が基本マップ)

【日本語訳:伊賀祐一 (Yuichi Iga)】