Jupiter: Report on (formerly) White Spot Z

December 19, 2013
John Rogers (British Astronomical Association)

Japanese (translated by Yuichi Iga)

Hello Jupiter fans,

On Nov.24, Chris Go reported that White Spot Z in the North Tropical Zone - a very long-lived and familiar oval - was showing reddish colour, and suggested it was turning into a red oval. Images since then confirm that this slight but unprecedented reddish colour has persisted and WSZ is now a pale brown oval. To fill in the background on this event, we have prepared a report on the history and characteristics of White Spot Z since it first appeared in 1997, plus images and details of the recent changes. The summary is below. The full report is posted at:


A bulletin on the recent change has also been posted by Christophe Pellier:


Best wishes for the holiday season and 2014. Attached is a Christmas card for you, with a real reindeer and polar bear.

John Rogers

White spot Z: its history and characteristics, 1997-2013

John Rogers (British Astronomical Association) (Dec. 2013)


White spot Z (WSZ) is a prominent, long-lived anticyclonic white oval (AWO) at ~19N, in the North Tropical domain. It first appeared in 1997 and is the only feature in the domain to have lasted more than a few years. It has claimed attention in autumn 2013 because it has become unusually methane-bright and now is developing slight reddish colour. Here we summarise the previous history of WSZ, from our previous reports and from JUPOS data, and provide illustrations of its recent behaviour.

To a first approximation, WSZ is a great AWO at 19N, and it appears thus when the N. Equatorial Belt (NEB) is broadened to encircle it with dark material. However, when the NEB is narrowed so that WSZ is in the N. Tropical Zone, its oval form is often obscured by a faint grey streak, whereas a tiny, bright white spot appears on its N edge at 20.2N. During the great NTBs jetstream outbreaks in 2007 and 2012, WSZ became dark grey.

WSZ almost always has a faster drift than other stable spots in the domain (AWOs and cyclonic barges), and lies slightly further north than other AWOs. In its early years, it eliminated other spots preceding it; later it became more likely to accelerate them to its own speed, ‘pushing’ them ahead of it and sometimes causing them to merge with other spots further ahead. In exceptional circumstances in 2007 and 2009, it failed to accelerate barges preceding it and almost halted its drift, but only temporarily. Conversely, after the great northern upheaval of 2012, it accelerated to a rapid speed which was unprecedented and anomalous for its latitude, and collided with an AWO preceding it in early 2013. Collisions between AWOs in this domain are uncommon and lead to only partial merger; a remnant of the leading oval always persists for a short time.

These ovals are not usually methane-bright, but WSZ became modestly methane-bright after the 2013 merger, and by 2013 Sep. the whole oval was strongly methane-bright. In visible light, the aspect of a grey streak and a northerly bright spot was notable. The grey area acquired slight brown tint during Oct., then in late Nov. more distinct reddish colour appeared around the northerly bright spot. We wait to see whether WSZ will now transform itself into a Little Red Spot.


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association


Jupiter: Report on (formerly) White Spot Z

John Rogers (British Astronomical Association)


11月24日、Chris Goは、非常に長命で馴染みのある楕円形白斑である、北熱帯の白斑Z(WSZ)が赤味がかった色を示していると報告し、白斑が赤い斑点に変化したことを示した。それ以降の画像からは、このわずかだが先例のない赤味がかった色が持続していることが確認でき、WSZは現在淡い茶色の斑点である。この現象の背景を埋めるために、白斑Zが1997年に初めて出現して以来のWSZの歴史と性質と、さらに最近の変化の画像と詳細についてレポートを準備している。サマリは後述する。全レポートは以下で公開されている。


最近の変化についての会報もChristophe Pellierによって公開されている。



John Rogers

White spot Z: its history and characteristics, 1997-2013

John Rogers (British Astronomical Association) (Dec. 2013)



最初の概観として、WSZは北緯19度の大きなAWOで、北赤道縞(NEB)が暗物質で取り囲むように拡幅した時に出現している。しかしながら、NEBが狭い時にはWSZは北熱帯にあり、その楕円形状はしばしば淡い灰色のストリークによって隠されるが、小さな明るい白斑が北緯20.2度の北端に出現する。2007年と2012年の巨大なNTBs jetstream outbreaksの間、WSZは濃い灰色になった。


これらの白斑は通常はメタンブライトではないが、WSZは2013年のマージ以降中程度にメタンブライトになった。そして、2013年9月まで白斑全体は強くメタンブライトであった。可視光では、灰色のストリークと北方の明るい白斑の外観が顕著だった。10月中には灰色の領域はわずかに茶色の色合いになった。その後、11月後半にはさらに明瞭な赤味がかった色が明るい白斑の北方の周りに現れた。WSZが小赤斑(Little Red Spot)に変貌するかどうかを見守ろう。


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association


【日本語訳:伊賀祐一 (Yuichi Iga)】