木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2013/12/31(UT)
Christopher Go
A.Ohkuma,Christopher Go,H.Oyamada,K.Horikawa

Akiyoshi Ohkuma(210mm Newtonian)
2013/12/31 13h:35m:00s (UT)
I=39.4 U=243.1  III=44.8
Seeing 5/10  Trans 8/10

(Akiyoshi Ohkuma : Koshigaya-City Saitama-Prefecture Japan)
≪大熊明吉 : 埼玉県越谷市≫

Christopher Go (355mm SC)

Happy New Year!! This is my last image of the year. As I type this it's just 2014 here in Cebu City.
It's amazing how seeing changes in a few minutes.
In my RGB image on the left,there is a huge difference in image quality even though they were taken less than 10 minutes apart.

The GRS is setting on the right.
Note the complex wake following the GRS and the numerous outbreaks erupting in the wake.
These outbreaks are bright in CH4.
In the SSTB,note the "Mickey Mouse" like feature that is formed by the two AWO and the large cyclonic spot between the AWO.

The NEB has a lot of rift activity. White the NTB is quiet in this region.
A lot of spots can be resolved in the northern temperate region.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Hiroyuki Oyamada (200mm VISAC)

≪東京都  多摩市 小山田博之≫
[Hiroyuki Oyamada : Takasaki Gumma Japan]

Kuniaki Horikawa

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区  堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section