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Jupiter Image 2014/04/04(UT)
Christopher Go,Dzmitry G.Kananovich
Christopher Go,G.Kananovich,K.Horii

Christopher Go (355mm SC)
Seeing was variable this evening.   But there were moments of good seeing.

The GRS is well resolved in these images.    The dark center of the GRS can be seen.  
Note the dark bar on the northern side of the GRS.
Red material seem to be spreading from the GRS to the STrZ.
The wake of the gRS is very complex.
The "Mickey" oval on the SSTB have broken up with the cyclonic spot which was the head is flattened.
Note the small red spot between the two anticyclones on the left. The NEB has a dark color and some rift activity. Note also the dark barges on the NTBn.
The moon peeking out of Jupiter on the last image is Io.
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Dzmitry G.Kananovich(250mm Klevtzov-Cassegrain)

[Dzmitry G.Kananovich,Minsk,Belarus]

Keisaku Horii (305mm Newton)

ᕺɌPHs  xb[Keisaku Horii : Himeji Hyougo Japan]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section