木星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2014/05/19(UT)
Christopher Go
Christopher Go,Meiji-Univ
Christopher Go (355mm SC) |
Condition was very poor today. Seeing was okay but transparency was very poor because of clouds.
My Jupiter season is almost over.
I now have only a 15 minute from twilight to the time Jupiter reaches my roof.
Red Spot Z can be seen past the CM. The NEB is very chaotic.
The EZ Festoons are interacting with it. The NEB has a very dark red color and it is also narrowing.
The SEB bright spot can be seen rising on the left.
The STB Ghost is at the CM.
[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
Meiji-University Astoronomical club(200mm Newtonian) |
[Meiji-University Astoronomical club:Kanagawa,JAPAN]
≪神奈川県 明治大学天文部惑星班≫