火星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2014/05/31(UT)
米山誠一,三品利郎,池村俊彦,松本博久,遠藤宏次,熊森照明,佐々木一男,堀内 直,畑中明利,瀧本郁夫,柚木健吉,尾崎公一,永長英夫
Stanislas Maksmowicz,Xavier Dupont,Paul G. Abel,Fumega Camilo Ucha
Seiichi Yoneyama(248mm Newton) |
≪神奈川県横浜市 米山誠一≫[Seiichi Yoneyama:Kanagawa Japan]
Toshirou.Mishina (200mm Newtonian) |
≪神奈川県 横浜市 三品利郎≫[Toshirou.Mishina:Kanagawa Japan]
Toshihiko Ikemura (380mm Newton) |
[T.Ikemura Nagoya Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県名古屋市 池村俊彦≫
Hirohisa.Matsumoto (308mm NTK Newtonian) |
seeing 3〜4/10 trans 5/5 ( Resize 200% )
[Hirohisa.Matsumoto (Kurayoshi City Tottori-Prefecture Japan)]
≪鳥取県 倉吉市 松本博久≫
Koji Endo(200mm Newtonian) |
≪埼玉県越谷市 遠藤宏次≫[Koji Endo:Saitama Japan]
Teruaki Kumamori (280mm SC) |
≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]
Kazuo Sasaki(400mm Casegrain or 203mm SC) |
[K.Sasaki:Ohsaki-City Miyagi-Prefecture Japan]
≪宮城県大崎市 佐々木一男≫
Tadashi Horiuchi(300mm Newtonian) |
《京都府宇治市、堀内直》[T.Horiuchi: Uji- City Kyoto Japan]
Akitoshi Hatanaka (400mm Cassegrain) |
≪三重県熊野市 畑中明利≫[Akitoshi Hatanaka:Kumano Mie Japan]
Stanislas Maksymowicz (100mm refracter) |
[Stanislas Maksymowicz Ecquevilly,France]
Ikuo Takimoto (310mm Newtonian) |
[Ayauta-gun Kagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪香川県 綾歌郡 瀧本郁夫≫
Xavier Dupont (180mm Newtonian) |
Here is a new set of Mars images,I have a doubt with the northern clouds : they are far away from Mare Acidalium,but this clouds looks like polar cyclonics clouds,is it possible ??? On the animated GIF we can see that this clouds slightly disappeared without longitudes changes....
[Xavier Dupont,Saint-Roch France]
Paul G. Abel(203mm reflector) |
Attached are two drawings of Mars made last night using the University
of Leicester's 20" Planewave Dall-Kirkham telescope with the kind assistance of Dr. Hugh Sasse.
Although seeing was somewhat variable,there were a number of interesting details on the disk:
*Hellas basin filled with clouds. However there were some darker features visible through the clouds.
Where the clouds encroached on Hadriacum there was a slight bluish colour present
*Syrtis Major well seen,Area and Libya bright.
*Clouds present in Arabia
*North polar region rather bright now- north polar hood returning? Certainly the brightness seemed to
encroach on to Umbra and Cecropia.
*Lowell band still present- darker on preceeding side?
Cloud details nicely enhanced in a W#80A as shown in drawing 2.
[Paul G. Abel:Leicester:United Kingdom]
Kenkichi.Yunoki (260mm Newtonian) |
[Kenkichi Yunoki (Sakai City Japan)]
≪大阪府 堺市 柚木健吉≫
Fumega Camilo Ucha(310mm.Newton) |
Seeing poor but appreciates the Syrtis Major,and as the planet reduce its diameter and increases phase.Bye bye small planet.
[Fumega Camilo Ucha : Galicia,Spain]
Kimikazu Ozaki(440mm Rfd) |
[Ki.Ozaki,Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県稲沢市祖父江町 尾崎公一≫
Hideo Einaga (300mm Newton) |
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県 加西 永長英夫≫