Happy new year to Jupiter observers

January 6, 2015
John Rogers (British Astronomical Association)

Japanese (translated by Yuichi Iga)

Happy new year, everyone.

Thanks to all you observers for the many excellent images of Jupiter which you have been sending or posting. I regret I have not been able to acknowledge them nor to produce any reports lately, for personal reasons, but I hope to do more in the coming months.

Two items were posted on our web page last month under ‘Reports - 2014/15’ (and emailed to some observers), referring to two phenomena of current interest:

1) The multiple transits and mutual phenomena of the satellites (‘phemus’). This preview was also published in the October BAA Journal. Several observers have already produced well-resolved images or movies of phemus. The best will be occurring over the next few months. Note especially the multiple transit coming up on Jan.24 (visible from N. America; low from Britain): Triple transit of ShIV, IV, ShI, I, ShII, II. At least two will be on the disk from 04:35-10:02 UT, and 4 or 5 from 06:19-08:00. At 05:46-53, IVecI while in transit: a partial eclipse, with ShIV being largely penumbral due to its distance, but expected to dim I by a very noticeable 45%.

2) The internal rotation of the GRS. Following our report of an exceptionally short rotation period of 3.6-3.8 days in 2014 Jan., Michel Jacquesson has analysed later images as well and confirmed a period of 3.8 days in Feb. and Nov. and Dec.

Clear skies!



John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association


Happy new year to Jupiter observers

2015年 1月 6日
John Rogers (British Astronomical Association)



先月、我々のwebページ[http://www.britastro.org/jupiter/]の‘Reports - 2014/15’に、現在の関心ある2つの現象を参照する、2つの項目を公開した(何人かの観測者にはメールした)。

1) 衛星の多重経過と相互現象(‘phemus’)
"Phenomena of Jupiter's moons in 2014/15" [PDF]】

また、このプレビューはBAA Journal 10月号に掲載された。何人かの観測者は既に現象の高い解像度画像や動画を作成している。ベストな現象は今後数ヶ月に渡って起こる。特に1月24日に見られる多重経過【影IV,IV,影I,I,影II,IIの三重経過】に注目(北アメリカからは見える。ブラジルからは低い)。04:35UT〜10:02UTには少なくとも2個が木星面上にあり、06:19UT〜08:00UTには4個か5個が見られる。05:46-53UTには、経過中のIV食が見られる(部分食、影IVはその距離からしてほとんど半影で、非常に目立つ45%もIを薄い暗くすると予想される)。

2) 大赤斑の内部自転
"GRS circulation observed even more closely"

2014年1月に3.6-3.8日という例外的に短い自転周期の我々のレポートに続いて、Michel Jacquessonは同様に最近の画像を解析し、2月・11月・12月に3.8日の自転周期を確認した。


John H. Rogers, Ph.D.
Jupiter Section Director,
British Astronomical Association


【日本語訳:伊賀祐一 (Yuichi Iga)】