ؐ ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2015/01/11(UT)
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Eusebio Martinez,Antonio Garbelini Junior,Flavio Fortunato,Donald C Parker,Alan Coffelt
E.Martinez,A.Garbelini Jr,S.Ota,F.Fortunato,Don,A.Coffelt,K.Ozaki,K.Horikawa

Eusebio Martinez(305mm Newtonian)

[Eusebio Martinez:Sant Feliu de Guixols (Spain)]

Antonio Garbelini Junior (203,250,300mm Newton)

[Antonio Garbelini Junior  ;  Sao Paulo : Brazil]

Satoshi Ota (300mm Newtonian)

[Tomigusuku city Okinawa Japan]
ቫꌧ  Ls  c 

Flavio Fortunato (254mm Newtonian)

[Flavio Fortunato: Maceio city,Brazil]

Donald C Parker (406mm Newtonian or 356mm SC)

Taken with the help of my grandsons,Dylan and Justin. Despite high gusty winds and variable seeing,
we managed o savage a decent set of images,thanks to the Paramount ME mount.
[Donald C Parker Coral Gables,Florida U.S.A]

Alan Coffelt (280mm SCT(C-11))

Average conditions,GRS
Clear skies,
[Alan Coffelt:Georgia:USA]

Kimikazu Ozaki(440mm Rfd)

[Ki.Ozaki,Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]

Kuniaki Horikawa

_ސ쌧ls  xM[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section