木星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2015/02/17(UT)
Anthony Wesley,Alessandro Carrozzi,Damian Peach,Martin R Lewis
Anthony Wesley (406mm Newton) |
Seeing last night was not as good as previous nights,here is an RGB
image of the region following the GRS (it set an hour or so earlier ar
lower right)
[Anthony Wesley,Murrumbateman Australia]
≪アンソニ オーストラリア≫
Alessandro Carrozzi (203mm SC) |
011/02/17 19:00 UT; 19:07 UT; 19:12 UT
CMI 259.45 CMII 190.28 CMIII 101.74
CMI 263.71 CMII 194.51 CMIII 105.97
CMI 266.76 CMII 197.53 CMIII 109.00
203mm SCT; ZWO ASI 120MM; IR 742nm
Seeing 6/10; trans 7/10
[Alessandro Carrozzi : Saludecio,Italy]
Damian Peach (356mm Celestron SCT) |
Very poor seeing on the 17th while fair seeing on the 18th
[Damian Peach: Loudwater,Buckinghamshire,United Kingdom]
Martin R Lewis (445mm Newton) |
Jupiter from a relatively still night here last week with my one-shot colour camera.
Io in transit with its shadow just coming onto the disc. I’m still processing the mono camera data.
[Martin R Lewis: Hertfordshire United Kingdom]