木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2015/04/11(UT)
Christopher Go,Michel Jacquesson,Antonio Lasala Garcia,Luis Javier Fernandez,Yuri Goryachko,Fumega Camilo Ucha,Manos Kardasis
Christopher Go,T.Kumamori,A.Hatanaka,Michel.J,T.Usude,A.Lasala,L.J.Fernandez,Y.Goryachko,Camilo,Kardasis,K.Ozaki,Yonago-College

Christopher Go (355mm SC)
Seeing was unstable this evening.

The GRS is setting in this image.  Note the bright outbreak following the GRS.  
This outbreak is the bright spot following the GRS in Methane band. The STB ghost can be seen in these images.
This feature is dark in Methane band. There are a lot of rifts on the NEB in this region. Seeing was better this time around. White Spot Z has a white core. To the lower right of WSZ is what appears to be a large cyclonic oval.
There are a lot of rift activity on the NEB. The SEB looks quiet in this region [Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Teruaki Kumamori (280mm SC)

≪大阪府堺市 熊森照明≫[Teruaki Kumamori:Ohsaka Japan]

Akitoshi Hatanaka (400mm Cassegrain or 280mm SCT)
19:30頃には、雲が厚くなり  IR・CH4の撮影を残念しました。

≪三重県熊野市  畑中明利≫[Akitoshi Hatanaka:Kumano Mie Japan]

Michel Jacquesson (203mm SC)

[Michel Jacquesson : Sevigny-Waleppe (Ardennes) France]

Toshihiko.Usude (355mm SC)

≪ 大阪府  枚方市 薄出敏彦≫[Toshihiko-Usude: Ohsaka Japan]

Antonio Lasala (254mm Newtonian)

[Antonio Lasala :Morata de Jalon:Spain]

Luis Javier Fernandez(203mm SC)

[Luis Javier Fernandez:Les Fonts Barcelona-Spain]

Yuri Goryachko & Konstantin Morozov(360mm Klevtsov-Cassegrain)

[ゴルヤチコ:ミンスク- ベラルーシ]
[Mikhail Abgarin,Konstantin Morozov,Yuri Goryachko: Minsk - Belarus]

Fumega Camilo Ucha(310mm.Newton)

[Fumega Camilo Ucha  : Galicia,Spain]

Manos Kardasis (280mm SCT )
Hello,during the last nights we had at last very good conditions,unfortunately only on the 11th

[Manos Kardasis,Glyfada-Athens;Greece]
《カーダシス マノス:ギリシャ アテネ》

Kimikazu Ozaki(440mm Rfd)

[Ki.Ozaki,Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県稲沢市祖父江町  尾崎公一≫

Science Club of Yonago National College og technology(200mm SC)

[Science Club of Yonago National College og technology,Tottri,Japan]
≪国立米子工業高等専門学校  科学部、鳥取県≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section