木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2015/12/15(UT)

Christopher Go,Trevor Barry,Mike Hood
Christopher Go,T.Barry,M.Hood

Christopher Go (355mm SC)
We had a close call with a very powerful typhoon.  Fortunately,we did not experience any strong winds. 
Seeing was very unstable this morning. Io's shadow can be seen on the NEB. The SEB is quiet in this region. Note the dark red barge on the SEBs.
Is this the remnant of the merged red spots. The NEB has a lot of rifts. [Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Trevor Barry(406mm Newtonian)
Oval BA is well seen. I note a large dark feature on the Southern edge of the NEB impinging into the EZ. 
It is rotating into view from the F limb and is quite prominent,particularly in my final IR data at 18:53:06 UTC.
There are several other small dark spots and white ovals resolved through this data run,more a comment on the low noise & high sensitivity of this camera rather than the quality of the seeing. Have also attached an animation of the IR data. [Trevor Barry:Broken Hill:Australia]

Mike Hood (200mm ED refractor,355mm SC)

[Mike Hood : Kathleen Georgia,U.S.A.]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section