木星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Jupiter Image 2016/02/11(UT)
米山誠一,遠藤宏次,大杉忠夫,堀川邦昭,阿久津富夫,安達 誠,永長英夫,橋野英嗣,村田孝昭,小澤徳仁郎,岩政隆一,尾崎公一,菅野清一,長瀬雅明
Anthony Wesley,Christopher Go,Peter Edwards,Efrain Morales Rivera,Richard Bosman,John Sussenbach
S.Yoneyama,K.Endo,Anthony.W,Christopher Go,T.Ohsugi,K.Horikawa,T.Akutsu,M.Adachi,P.Edwards,H.Einaga,H.Hashino,T.Murata,T.Kozawa,E.Morales,R.Iwamasa,K.Ozaki,R.Bosman,S.Kanno,J.Sussenbach,M.Nagase

Seiichi Yoneyama(248mm Newton)

≪神奈川県横浜市  米山誠一≫[Seiichi Yoneyama:Kanagawa Japan]

Koji Endo(150mm Newtonian or 103mm Refractor or 200mm Catadioptric)

≪埼玉県越谷市 遠藤宏次≫[Koji Endo : Saitama Japan]

Anthony Wesley (406mm Newton)
Poor seeing last night,with a small window where a 685nm IR image could be captured that wasn't too bad.
Oval BA can be seen setting at lower right.

[Anthony Wesley,Murrumbateman Australia]
≪アンソニ  オーストラリア≫

Christopher Go (355mm SC)
Seeing was variable this evening due to northernly winds.

Note the dark red barge on the SEB at the CM of the second image. This feature is still very prominent months after its merger.
The NEB looks quiet in this region and it's very narrow here.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]

Tadao Ohsugi (250mm Dall-Kirkham)

≪石川県小松市 大杉忠夫≫[Tadao Ohsugi:Komatsu city Ishikawa pre,Japan]

Kuniaki Horikawa(300mm Newtonian)

≪神奈川県横浜市泉区  堀川邦昭≫[Kuniaki Horikawa:Kanagawa Japan]

Tomio Akutsu (355mm SC)

≪栃木県那須烏山市: 阿久津富夫≫

Makoto Adachi (Drawing: 310mm Newtonian)

≪滋賀県  大津市  安達  誠≫[Makoto Adachi:Siga Japan]

Peter Edwards(C14 355mm SC)
I now have the ZWO ADC (atmospheric dispersion corrector) and I have to say it is really easy to use especially with the latest beta Firecapture software which has an ADC set-up feature. I am impressed.
Attached are two images of Jupiter from the morning of 11th February,both taken with the ADC set for the colour cam. Seeing was good with slight flag waviness maybe 3-4.
One image at 0031 taken using the ZWO ASI120MM + RGB filters giving an RRGB image to extract best detail. 12 mins de-rotated covering RRR + GG + BB  40% frames used
The other at 0052 was taken with the colour ZWO ASI224MC with UV/IR cut filter. 4 mins de-rotated split into 3 avi  40% frames used
I have to say that there is little to choose between the two images which says a lot for the 224MC colour camera which is easier to capture and process with.
It may have even been better if I had taken 12 mins of data rather than just 4 mins.Lots of activity in the SEB

Here is another image from the session on 11th February. This time just a single image from 90 secs data with the colour cam + ADC.

Here is an RRGB image from the morning of 11th Feb.

[Peter Edwars: West Sussex United Kingdom]

Hideo Einaga (300mm Newton)

[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県  加西  永長英夫≫

Hidetugu Hashino(305mm Newtonian)

≪千葉県木更津市 橋野英嗣≫[Hidetugu Hashino:Chiba:Japan]

Takaaki Murata (160mm Newton)

≪東京都  国立市  村田孝昭≫[Takaaki Murata: Tokyo Japan]

Kozawa Tokujiro(350mm Newtonian)

(Kozawa Tokujiro : Hachiouji-City Tokyo Japan)

Efrain Morales Rivera(300mm SC)

[Efrain Morales Rivera  Aguadilla:Puerto Rico]

Ryuichi Iwamasa(356mm SC)

≪神奈川県横浜市  岩政隆一≫[Ryuichi Iwamasa:Kanagawa:Japan]

Kimikazu Ozaki(440mm Rfd)

[Ki.Ozaki,Sobue Inazawa Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県稲沢市祖父江町  尾崎公一≫

Richard Bosman(355mm SC)
This is my first shot of Jupiter opposition 2016. GRS was nicely visible and NEB shows an oval white spot.
Unfortunately the weather conditions were not very good,I could only do one session on Jupiter.

Unauthorized use prohibited
[copyright(c)2006 Richard Bosman: Netherlands]

Seiichi Kanno(300mm Newtonian)

≪山形県上山市  菅野清一≫[Seiichi Kanno:Yamagata Japan]

John Sussenbach(C14 356mm SC)

[John Sussenbach:Houten,Netherlands]

Masaaki Nagase(235mm SC)

[Masaaki Nagase,Kawasaki-City,Japan]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section